
Can You explain how radiation is different from conduction and convection?

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  1. conduction and covection needs medium and radiation does not.

  2. they are all energy but conduction needs to go through a solid because the particles must vibrate to transmit the energy to each other by hitting. in convection however, the energy is carried along by a current no vibration is needed and as such it does not happen in solids but in liquids and gases. radiation does not need any currents or vibration, the energy just moves along of its own accord through a vacuum so if there is a medium its path is blocked. examples of each are, conduction when u put a piece of metal in fire and the other end becomes hot n a few minute. convection when you put water to boil and after a while it all becomes hot even though the fire is only at the bottom so the energy is carried along by the water currents to the top and also radiation example, sunlight!!!  if it hits u theres is a shadow cos u have blocked its path...

  3. basically radiation is a form of energy transfer like conduction and convection BUT radiation is the only one that transfers energy in waves.  

  4. We have three mode of  heat energy transfer: Conduction, convection and radiation.

    In the conduction mode: the kinetic energy of the atoms / molecules( a measure of temperature or state of hot or cold )  is transferred by contact from one to the neighbouring atoms / molecules through their vibrations in solid state. All the atoms /molecules vibrate at a point in a solid state. This is like push coming in a crowed coming from begining og the jampacked lane and this push is getting transmitted to the down the lane if you consider the human beings in the lane.

    In the case of convection, the kinetic energy of the molecules is raised due to heating which can have besides vibrational energy and rotational energy it has translational energy and  these  high speeded molecule could go to other place and hit the another molecule and transfer its kinetic energy. This mode of energy transpost where kinetic energy of the molecules gets transferred due to actual displacement of the molecules and or subsequently hitting is convection.

    In a class room, if you pass your note book to tthe second or higher rows by actualy getting up and delivering there: it would be similar to convection.

    In case of  radiation, the energy is actually transported through electromagnetc radiation : a mode which can travel even in vaccum. The energy when absorbed raises the energy state of the receiver that is shown as rise in temperature.

    In a class, if your teacher return note book to the students by directly throwing to the person, it would be like radiation mode.

    conduction needs actual contact and through that molecular motion as kinetic energy is transmitted, convection due to able to move from its place to another location, transfers this energy. radiation does it via electromagnetic wave which gets absobed and show the effect of  energy transfer.

    I tried to put it in a very lay man way of  explaining the concept.

    Hope it severs your pur[pose.

  5.   Radiation is electro magnetic needs no medium to propogate.

      Conduction travels through mstter.

      Convection is tranmitter through air by expanding and rising.

  6. 1. radiate kan go thru spaes=dont need matter.  zampel=sunlite.

    2. soers av radiate kan be far awae, kondukt & konvekt gotta tuch.

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