
Can a 12 year old be a pet sitter?

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my friend wants to be a pet sitter, can he? he is 12




  1. Sure he can. He has to be responsible, and listen to the owner's instructions. I helped my friend pet sit when he was 10.  

  2. Yes

  3. Yeah, people dont give 12 years olds as much credit as they deserve. Hes almost  teenager, of course he can be a pet sitter.

  4. well does he know the dog and does the dog know him and how big is the dog. i have a pitbull mix so i would be very picky i have to have one guy dog sitt her one no one else will cause of her breed and the other is she likes him. i wouldnt if i was u. what if he got bite by the dog for something he did. does he know how to walk up to a dog the right way. do he know how to read a dog body. does he know what to do if he makes a dog mad. does he know how to walk a dog on a leash the right way. does he know how to walk by other people with a dog. or walk by a cat with a dog that likes to get them. or a dog that doesnt get along with other dogs. my dog can pull 30 times her body weight. she right now is only 40 pounds that means she could full something that weights 1200 pounds. most dogs can pull two to three times their weight. if i was him i would talk to a dog trainer not the ones at petsmart or petsco. i have a guy that has been training dogs for 20 years he has been on animal planet before for dogs wining stuff. it is not as easy as the dog whisper shows it trust me i tried that stuff with my dog and she didnt care. well i hope he makes the right choice.

  5. of course

    as long as he's reliable

    and the owner can trust him

    and he won't kill the animal


  6. Sure! If he is responsible. I was a pet sitter when I was 12.


  7. yea because hes 12 well it depend if he loves the pet and he is mature to handle the responsibility  

  8. I don't know. I think you have to be at least 13 to sit on a pet.

  9. Yes I think your friend is well qualified

  10. i wouldn't see any problem with it as long as he/she wasn't scared of your dog(s) and is responsible, and if it was ok with his/her parents of course.

  11. As long as he is not into bestiality!

  12. My daughter is 10 and she did just fine.  

  13. with parents would be better. maybe just for ppl in the neighborhood, or for friends.

  14. depends what kind of pet, and if it bites; is he gonna put a claim in?

  15. Yep

  16. A 12 year old can be a pet sitter. Actually, I don't think there is an age limit. As long as it's ok with his parents. And as long as the owner believes that he is responsible enough to handle that job :) Hope this helps!

  17. well anybody can, as long as he is responsible enough as a sitter and he really knows how to take care of different pets...

  18. Of course. 12 yr olds are more adultlike then they seem (usually).

  19. well ya as long as he can prove to you that he is responsible enough

  20. Sure y not!

  21. Ya, why not?

  22. Yes!

  23. Yes he can, as long as he's responsible  

  24. Yes if he is responsible enough. I didn't to well as a baby-sitter at the age of 11-12 i think.

  25. sure! as long as it is not a large animal...a 12 year old may not be able to handle a larger dog or other animal and could get seriously injured if things were to go wrong without adult supervision. otherwise, go for it!

  26. yea of course

  27. depends, there are really young people who know how to take care of pets properly and are very mature.  

    it depends on how much experience he has.  Still seems like a young age, but if he is able to take care of an animal properly, take all of the responsibilities, then I'm sure he could.  Although I personally would not trust someone that young to care for my pet while i was away.  I'm very cautious.  

  28. Yepp! You can legally babysit at 12, so I am sure you can legally pet sit too =] Just make sure he is responsible.

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