
Can a 12 year old take acne pills called acneticin?

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I am 12 and I have tried everything to try to cure acne. I have heard these pills are effective and I'm wondering if they will help me with my acne problems....




  1. Don't even consider taking oral medication for acne! Here's a case study for you: Accutane, another oral acne medication causes severe depression and mild psychosis. Note: this is not a side effect; this happens in most patients.

    On top of that, it causes serious photosensitivity (read: sunlight allergy), which may linger for long after you stop taking the pill.

    Look into tanning as a treatment for acne (sunlight treats many skin conditions) and get your hands on some ProActive. One of my coworkers used it and it made an enormous difference! Consider consulting a dermatologist.

  2. Being that young you should definitely talk to a dermatologist.  But being 12 with acne is nothing to be ashamed of, as about half of your classmates will suffer the same problems until you around your later teen years

  3. Consult with your health care provider

  4. I took Accutane, and it worked for me.  I had to wear chapstick for years and still can't be in a room with a fan on because my lips and eyes are a little dry, but it got rid of the acne!  I'm really glad I used Accutane.

    Tanning will give you cancer, and it can agrivate acne.  Bad idea.

  5. Don't know but check this

    1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

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