
Can a 13 year old drive a dinghy boat?

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i am a 13 year old girl and my family bought a big 42 foot sail boat. and we also have a dinghy boat. (a small boat so we dont have to drive the sail boat everywhere.) and i was wondering do you have to have a lincese to drive the dinghy. i wont be taking it anywhere but just driveing it around in an open area. i was wondering if that is okay. or do i have to have a lincese?




  1. Yes, absolutely. And 13 is also more than old enough to start learning the ropes on the 42'.

  2. me and my sister were 12 we both had little boats  a 7 foot one  a 10 foot...we drove all over the great south bay and rivers/creeks of long island... and upstate ny on hudson licence

  3. This depends on what country you live in.  In the UK no license is required, and youngsters can often be seen driving or rowing dinghys and tenders around.

    It's always a good idea to get some instruction though.  Rather like you wouldn't take a car on the road without someone showing you how to do it.

  4. yes

  5. depends on your state and horsepower  12 and over in pa can drive any boat under 25hp without a lincese  im not sure if thats in every state in the usa or not  but i just bought a 85hpo 16ft boat and had to get my lincese for that thats how i know this go on yahoo and type in your state like myne was pa so i typed in pa boating laws so type your state and your good.

  6. Yes, provided you have someone show you how to operate it, and always wear your life vest.  I've seen girls and boys younger than you with their own boats.

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