
Can a 14 year old buy syrup of ipecac? if so... where and how much?

by Guest56435  |  earlier

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Can a 14 year old buy syrup of ipecac? if so... where and how much?




  1. If your doing this just to throw up food thats a very poor descion.  

  2. hurrah you took my answer into consideration. i think you can buy it at most pharmacies  

  3. Check here:

    You can find it.

    Good luck!

  4. Most pharmacies have it behind the counter, so you have to ask for it and it's usually at their discretion whether or not they will sell it to you. May I ask why you think you need it? I hope it's not to make yourself throw up for no reason. Ipecac is used to induce vomiting for people who are poisoned. Many daycare facilities buy it for that reason as well, in case any little kids eat something and poison themselves, but it really has no other use that I can think of.

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