
Can a 14 year old go on antidepressants without parental consent?

by  |  earlier

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Im really depressed, way too embarrassed to go to a counsellor. There is no way my mum can find out. I dont really have anyone I can tell, no family, no close friends. I dont know what to do =(




  1. i wouldnt take pills but im pretty good with words email me at

  2. You have to talk to SOMEONE to get on those pills. I highly doubt your parent is going to hate you for asking her to take you to a therapist.

  3. Yes and no.  Your doctor can prescribe them without your parent's consent, but you may have to have a parent get your prescription.  At any rate, you're not going to get antidepressants without speaking to a psychiatrist or at least your GP, and generally, they try other methods before prescribing medication, especially for someone so young.  There's really no reason to be embarrassed.  These people deal with issues like yours all the time.  It's what they're trained to do.  You really should consider speaking to your mom.  If you don't feel that's an option, at least speak to your doctor or a school counselor.  


    P.S.- I started seeing a therapist when I was around your age, and my parents were very supportive.  It may be a little uncomfortable at first, but they're there to make you feel at ease and won't push you to talk until you're ready.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email.

  4. Sorry, you can't :\

    They're pretty powerful drugs since they mess with the chemicals in your brain and they don't just hand them out.

    I'm sure if you talk to your mom she'll understand.

  5. Tell your parents.

    They will get you the help you so desperately need. Trust me.

  6. i've been in the same dark space... you can go see a doctor as long as you have a medicare card (if in Oz) and they can't tell your parents anything !!!! if you don't have one, just ask your parents to get you one - tell them it's for emergencies only - just in case !!

    you can call kids helpline, it's a free call (so you can call from a phone box if you are scared it will come up on the home phone bill). the number is in the phone book.

    sometimes the hardest thing to do is to tell a parent but it is the best thing you can do. i wish i told my mum. i'm 25 and still dealing with depression... it's somthing you need to talk about. i've had it since i was 12. it gets easier over time and you see the warning signs a little more clearly.

    hope this helps - even just a little  

  7. I don't think so!

  8. I Dont No.

    Probabaly Notx.

    Good Luckkkx.

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