
Can a 14 year old play Annie in "Annie"?

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My school is thinking about doing Annie next year I want to be Annie. It is a private school grades K-12 so am I to old? None of the younger girls can really sing, but people tell me I can.




  1. your a freak lol

    im sure your fine i just hope you don't have tryouts like my school does its so nerve racking and every year i forget my name if you do good luck im more of the pit orchestra type playing the violin for 6 years

  2. It's been done before, but if there are people in the school who look the appropriate age and can sing, they'll probably have a better shot.

    No one knows in casting. Just try out and maybe you'll get a part, if not THE part.

  3. I suppose it really depends on how tall you are. If you really can sing well they might cast you. The usual age of Annie is between 9-12. Her written age is 11 but I've seen a nine year old in the role and personally think 9 is to young for Annie. Older sometimes is better. The original Annie on Broadway (Andrea McArdle) Was 14. But it really depends on what your directors vision is. Good luck!

  4. I think the play says she is 10, if you are short and haven't begun to develop you might be able to pull it off, but looking at your age they will probably look at you for the adult roles.

    but you never know unless you try.

  5. Although the person of the role may be partly be casted based on their height as well as features, that shouldn't stop you from auditioning! Try auditioning and you never know- it may be YOU who lands the part! Annie isn't really too young in the play and I don't know you but you may be able to fit the image. As you said, you have a nice voice (and have been told so) so go for it! The director of the play is probably looking for talent rather then age! Have fun and good luck!!!

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