
Can a 15 year old girl have syptoms of a heart attack that a person 40+ should get??/?

by Guest62496  |  earlier

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I'm a fifteen year old girl and quite often i have severe shooting pains that go from my centre chest down my left arm. I woul like to become a doctor and i researched and discovered that this is a sign of heart attack. I then questioned this as i know i am too young for a heart attack-am I?

Please help me, I'm really panicking becuase i don't want this to be serious.

Tamara x




  1. You need to go to the Doctor and ask for  a professional opinion.  The fact is that anyone of any age can suffer a heart attack although, at your age this is highly unlikely.  Go the doctors and put your mind at rest.

  2. This could be something serious, best to call the NHS direct number 0845 4647.

  3. go your doctor get it checked anybody can have heart attack but sure its nothing to worry about get it checked for your piece of mind good luck

  4. I'm pretty sure it's only symptom of a heart attack, if it's followed by a heart attack.

    I'm mean I coughed a lot before, felt sick and dizzy before, been short of breath etc (all symptoms of a heart attack by the way) but no heart logically it follows they were symptoms of something else.

    To be honest the more you read about this the more you'll freak yourself out, which will probably just make the problem seem worse. Just go to you docs, get it checked out and put your mind at rest.

  5. The symptoms of a heart attack are also a sense of a crushing pain, as well as breathlessness and a sick feeling.

  6. Yes, Anyone can have a bad heart, see your doctor for a check up

  7. it actually might be a panic attack. research that first before you get too worried

  8. i had the same thing and i was 17, i would go to hospital, its better to be safe than sorry.

  9. There are a number of possible causes.  If the symptoms go away from time to time, it's probably not a heart attack.  However, you should see a doctor as soon as possible since it could be something else that's serious.

    Put a finger just below your breast bone and press gently.  If that hurts, the problem is probably trapped wind or pancreatitis.  Both can be caused by eating too much sugar.  Drinking hot water can relieve the symptoms.

    Now stop panicking.  Just sit back and relax until you feel better.  That will help whatever the problem is.

  10. ANY chest pain should be investigated by a doctor. Statistically you are rather young to have a heart attack BUT it is not unheard of either.

    I would see your GP as soon as you can and describe the pains you have been getting.

  11. There are quite a few problems that cause the identical symptoms, and most of them aren't serious. If you're really interested in studying medicine, a good place to start would be Bayes' theorem. If you're to practice medicine, you'll spend a good deal of your life doing Bayesian analyses.

  12. Do you have a history yourself or in your family of heart or cardiovascular problems?

    Do you take any medications of any kind?

    What sort of sports or physical activities do you do or have you done recently?

    These are things you would be asked perhaps initially as part of an examination, particularly the last question.

    A lot of people think they are having heart problems when more often than not they have pulled a chest or shoulder muscle or they have a mild case of bursitis.

    If you are unsure, go ask for a physical and report your problem.  A few tests will eliminate the many possibilities.

  13. my mate had a heart attack when he was 17, we all took the p**s out of him until he went 4 a check up and found out he had about 2 of them

  14. Go to the doctor and check it out, the worry can sometimes be worse than what is wrong.

  15. I believe you can have a heart attack at any time if you don't take care of your body!

    But I would ask your doctor before getting scared.

  16. you should go see a doctor as soon as possible.

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