
Can a 15 yr. old apply for a school in japan?

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exchange student


cheap apartments


bills, food and rent





  1. Living: Yes   Cheap apartments: No

    If by living, you mean with a host family. 15 years old is still a minor and it would be next to impossible for you to rent an apartment by yourself.

    Exchange student: Yes

    Dorm: Yes

    This is fine. There are dorms where you can live and study.

    Bills, Food, Rent, Job: Maybe

    This is a tricky question. Of course you have to pay for the bills yourself. Food and rent expenses would be included in the money that you give to your host family. For other bills like mobile phone, then you need to pay yourself.

    As far as work goes, it is possible, but not 100%. If you are to be living in Japan, it would be on a student visa as you are 15 years old. But I have known cases (for example my students) where the student can apply for work. This has to be applied for at the imigrations office. And the guide lines are very strict. You can only work so many hours a week, only certain jobs, and you must study a certain amount of time every week too.

    I hope this helps.

  2. as a 15 year old, you may be able to get into a school, but you are not eligible to work in Japan as Japanese Immigration law requires a 4 year degree from an accredited university to legally issue you a work visa.  Keep it up and youll get what youre looking for.

  3. yes you can

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