
Can a 16 year old be made to go to drugs rehab?

by  |  earlier

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A member of our family has gone completely off the rails and is taking hard drugs on a regular basis. sooner or later I know she will end up in court for commiting crime and they may well give her the choice of jail or rehab. I dont want to wait around for that to happen. She stays with friends and has gone from Speed to Herion and I am really worried about her. She sleeps around and doesnt care about herself or anybody else. Can we do an american style intervention over here in the UK?

I dont know what else to do.

She refuses to attend appointments with advisors and she wont do anything to help herself. she expects other people to do everything for her.

She lies cheats and steals to get what she wants and we all love her but we honestly cant see how we can help without forcing her to go to a rehab.

Are we allowed to do that in any way shape or form.

If so, what is the procedure?




  1. It seems that your family doesn't realize that the 16 year old really has no rights of their own.  they are legally a minor and therefore you can make them do anything within the bounds of the law (at least in the US)

    I know in the US if you take someone to the hospital and the Dr. feels the person is in imminent danger of harming themselves or someone else, they can be institutionalized until they can prove they are no longer in danger.

  2. You do know that even though she is under 18 children from the age of 14 up can see the GP/DR with out parental consent in the UK?

    As far as I am led to believe, if she does not want to go to ReHab she does not have to UNLESS you can get the law to agree.  As I said this is what I am led to believe but not sure exactly how accruate this is.

    I would be wary about trying to force anyone into rehab however.  Think about it we all say the first step to recover from a problem is admiting it...If she wont admit it how can you ever expect her to get over it...Maybe she should get arrested and give her a wake up call?

  3. you need to get the doctor to come to her and section her! thats the only way force her against her will to go to hospital!  

  4. Although you may force a person to go to rehab NO ONE CAN FORCE THEM TO PARTICIPATE! If she refuses to cooperate rehab does no good. It has to be the person themselves wanting to change or all efforts fail. This is why so many addicts relapse.

  5. should be able to since theyre still a minor

  6. It might be an idea to take her to your GP and explain her problems. He can offer advice and possibly some programs you would be interested in to help her.

  7. call the cops on her, and then she ll learn her lesson

  8. Turn her in to the police now - she won't stop on her own.

  9. you can have her sectioned... and forced into rehab! if thats what u gota do then do it! you will nead her parents signatures for this!

    please help her my close friend has just died from drugs.... she was the same as her... only worse... we tied 2 help but couldnt! help her while u shill can!

  10. There are therapy/rehab places for teens with drug problems. I don't know about in the UK, but in the U.S. there is plenty. Possibly, she could even come to the U.S. to get help, if you think it would be better. Yes, they can be forced to go.

  11. I know some people who are are a bit off rails but your family member may need to go to rehab soon, because if she goes to see her suicidal

    brother and then has s*x with one of his friends then she needs a slap. I mean I'm sixteen and if i knew her and knew what she was doing I would throw her into rehab before she hurts any other people. Also since the amount of people with AIDS in the Uk is growing, she should get back on the straight and narrow before she gets thrown into prison. I have found some websites that may help you...

    Good Luck xx

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