
Can a 16 year old run a marathon?

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Can a 16 year old run a marathon?




  1. If its Megna Blair Than yes if not no you'll fail and dehydrate and hopefully if we are lucky u will die.

  2. Definitely, I'm 14 and just ran my first marathon. You just have to commit to training for several months, following a training plan (there is lots of great plans at

  3. actually if you want to run a marathon at 16 you can... BUT!!...... you have to have your parent's permission and signature. Just make sure you are able physicaly . make sure your body can handle it cause your so young..

        if you do GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. yep u can. if you're fit.

    just make sure your knees are alright so you don't s***w them (and I'm serious about it).

    I'm 17 and the most I ran was half marathon. Good luck!

  5. I don't think it's impossible.  

    Again, I'm not much of a runner, but if you keep that as your goal, set a strong focus on stamina, I think it's very possible.  Especially if you are further along in your development.

  6. all you have to do is run 26.22 miles

  7. yea my 14 yr old friend who is a girl ran it bout a month ago

  8. yes, a 16 year old is able to run a marathon

  9. for sure. between the ages of 16-22 or 23 a person is at their peak where they can withstand the most physically grueling workouts. by the time you meet your mid 20's your body begins to slow down, and you begin to have injuries more easily. therefore i'd be more concerned of a 40 year old running a marathon than a 16 year old. but since you are still a minor you will need your parents permission to do so. just make you that if you choose to run one that you that you lay out a realistic and proper workout to prepare for the race. running a marathon is very challenging but very rewarding.

  10. Yes.  To enter, your parent or guardian will have to sign a waiver, but yes.

    It's a matter of training and endurance.  I ran my first at 17, so you can too.

    Is there more you want to know... training, what?

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