
Can a 16 year old teen still keep her baby, if the mom is trying to make her abort it?

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I have a friend who thinks she is pregonant. She came to me for help; one thing is that her mom says she will have to give it up by abortion. She is crying, and doesn't want that. She really REALLY would like to kee it. Someone please help!




  1. its her body and choice she can keep her baby. her has no say

  2. she has to make the desicion. its not her moms dision by law

  3. im 14 and pregnant and my whole family wanted me to get abortion they were pretty much forceing me, but the law wouldnt let them !

    its her body they cant make her do what she doesnt want to.

    now im 7 months and my family is really excited and cant wait for my little girl. things couldnt be better.

    So no they cant make her.

  4. I think that she is a little young to be pregnant and have a kid.  her mom is just looking after her daughter and her future.  It will be a lot harder to go to college, get a job with having a kid so young.  

  5. her mother cant make her have an abortion. tell your friend to stand up and tell her mom no. the law will be on your friends side. also be prepared for her mom to say that she has to move out if she doesnt get one. try to be the one to offer your friend a place to say. it will make things easier.

  6. ABORTION is not a solution. tell your friend that she has to take the responsibility no matter what.

  7. it is her choice...

    She needs to talk to professionals to get her on the right track to having a healthy pregnancy and to educate her on her options...I have listed just one website that came up when I did a search...I'm sure there are also local agencies in your area that can and WILL help her...

    YOU need to encourage her to talk to an agency of some sort that will help her keep her baby and continue her education at teh same time...she does have options if keeping the baby is what she choses to do...

  8. The mom can't make her get an abortion. If I were your friend(although I wouldn't be pregnant in the first place) I'd say,"Sorry Mom, you can't make me get an abortion, this is MY choice". And she can't make her move out either if she's under 18.

  9. well by law she is not old enough to make that decision.  

    How can she keep it if she is only 17 and not able to afford to take care of herself in the first place? her own home, bills etc.  

    Looks like she doesn't have much of a choice.  

  10. Her mother has no say what so ever. The parents cant legally force their daughter to give the baby up or have an abortion. They have no say in the matter, well at least in Michigan. my cousin had the same problem and i did some research on the internet. If she wants to keep it then she can, she may not have her parents support but other than that they cant do anyhting but tell her what they want her to do. She's got to be strong enouhg to tell her parents no and do what she wants. She's going to need a lot of support from you and any one else that's close... i hope things work out, she's in my prayers


    Some of you are way wrong, my sister had a baby and my mom try to make her abort.

    She ask the cops and family court, by law only a mother can decide that NO ONE ELSE.

    Dont be fooled, please dont be fooled!

    The only thing a grand parent can do is refuse to help care for the baby.

    But age dont matter, the mother has EVERY RIGHT to KEEP HER BABY.

    Go to find law, call an atorny, please dont let her kill her baby, it'll kill her soul to lose that part of you.

    And there are allso maturnity homes for ages 13 and older, if you need to go and get space while you are delivering they dont provied after service, but she can get on houseing if her parents wont let her back.

  12. Nobody Can tell her what to do with her body,not even her mother...

    if she wants to keep it that's her decision..but her mother does have the right not to give her any help and in that case well i don't know what she would wanna do, there's a few possibilities none of which are easy..

    but overall its her decision and no one can make her do anything

  13. Even if she is UNDER 16 her mum can't make her have an abortion or to give the baby up for adoption. And at 16 (in the UK) she is above the age of consent and it is legal for her to have children, although not entierly sensible. Good luck to her!

  14. I don't think her mom can MAKE her abort her baby. She is the parent therefore she has the right to keep it. However if she wants to look after it without the help of her parents, this could prove hard! She needs to make sure she is definiatly pregnant first and then get some proper proffesional help and ideas.  

  15. No one can make you get an abortion. Her mom can walk her into the clinic and check her in, and if your friend yells "I don't want an abortion" it won't happen. Even if your friend is quiet and goes back in the exam room, the nurse is still going to confirm this is what she really wants.

    If she wants to keep her baby she can. She can go stay in a maternity home, continue school, and get help to become independent.

  16. its her choice

  17. your mother has no legal control over what you do with your baby.  your mother can not have it aborted.  it is not her's it is your body, your baby.  There is one way and one way only your mother could make you abort your your child and that is if the courts give her that kind of control over you.  but they won't do that unless they believe you are an unfit mother or you are causing potential harm to the unborn child.  Legally you can go to planned parenthood and get birth control without your parents concent or knowledge.  You need to stand up for what you want and if you want to keep you baby, keep your baby. he/she is your and your partners, not your moms.  Good luck and CONGRATS

  18. Her mother CANNOT make her daughter abort her baby!No.

    A pregnant minor has the same legal rights to her child as does an adult woman until/unless a court rules otherwise.

    Parents cannot force their pregnant daughter to have an abortion, sign away parental rights, place the child up for adoption or take any other action concerning her child.

    If the minor female needs help or assistance she should contact her state's department of family and children's services and/or visit the Birthright website for information.

  19. Actually she cannot be forced to get an abortion. If she wants to keep it then maybe she can try and talk to someone else in her family and see if she can live with them. But first off she needs to get to the medicaid office and try and get on it. I was a mom at 16 so i know what she is going through. But her mom might be having a lot of anger towards her daughter being pregnant so young. There is a chance that the feelings she has will go away, but either way now is the time for your friend to step up to the plate and take responsibility. She also needs to make sure that the father of the child is going to help with everything the baby needs. The parents of the friend does not need to be raising this child and she needs to be sure that the father steps up as well.

  20. No your mom can't make you do anything.

    Remember that it is the law that it is the pregnant women's choice.  No one can force you to do anything.  16 and over is the age of consent in most places so you should be okay.

  21. Its HER body. Her mom can kick her out of the house or refuse to support the child though, and then Social Services will just take the baby away.

    But yeah, I'm pro-choice, meaning that I believe your friend is the only one with the right to make that choice....if she wants to keep the baby, she has the right to!

  22. Depends on the law in your state.

    Why the h**l would she wanna keep a kid at 16?

  23. that is not right if she wants to keep it then she should tell her to tell her mom that having a abortion is murdering a baby and that is not right mistakes happen and she wants to keep it so she wants to take responsibility for her actions witch is good

  24. abortion you dont "give up the baby" that is killing it... ADOPTION is giving the baby up.

    i dont think her mom can make her have an abortion. She should consider giving the baby up for adoption though if she doesnt have a job and has no way of raising the baby properly in a good environment.  

  25. her mom should go burn in h**l.

    what right does she have to kill an unborn.

    maybe she should run away or go to her father and ask for help.

  26. I don't believe her mom can make that decision.  

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