
Can a 17 year old buy shares in Republic of Ireland?

by  |  earlier

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If so....... How?

I have a tiny bit of money id love to invest somewhere but don't know how?





  1. I wouldn't do anything like this without consulting your parents and doing extensive research. Maybe even try talking to a financial advisor or investment broker.

  2. Well, if you can hold off one year, you can most certainly start investing. Unfortunately, most stock brokers I know of require you to be 18. My personal recommendation, however, is Etrade. Trades are cheap, the site is free to use, and it has tons of very happy customers. I have been investing with Etrade problem-free for years now.

    For now, consider setting up a joint-account with one of your parents as the co-owner. It will allow you to open the account before you are 18.

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