
Can a 17 year old child move out in Texas?

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Can a 17 year old child move out in Texas?




  1. Yes, they can.. of course, that depends on the child, as well, because, really, by then, they should be on their way to being an adult..

  2. Yes, at 17 the state recognizes them as adults.

  3. Just to let you know, some cops will still make you go home if your parents call and report you as a runaway.

    When I was 17, my parents hated my boyfriend but I was bound and determined that we were in love and going to get married.

    When I left to go live with him, my parents called the cops and the cops called my boyfriend and told him that either he could bring me home or they would come get me.

    It really depends on who you talk to in Texas. Everyone I talked to about it said that it is a very gray area in Texas.

    If your parents plan on calling you in as a runaway my advice to you would be to stick it out until you turn 18.

    Good Luck to you

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