
Can a 17 year old make money with his graphic designing skills?

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Skills in Photoshop and Illustrator

Whatever I will do will be posted in newspapers. One thing I have thought of is designing company logos. I have designed logos for around 5 companies so far, which is why I think I have the ability to make some money off it. The reason I think people would come to me is that the price would be cut in half compared to real designers.

Would you think this would work? What other things could I do?




  1. You can expand your ability by doing web design. Design logo is too limited.

  2. Okay, sweet.  Then market yourself if you want to do that.  Find developer websites that will allow you to bid on projects.

  3. You can register at freelance websites like , , ,etc and start bidding for all graphic designing projects posted there .

  4. If you are good, then why not? Just don't get into the habit of charging peanuts for something that other designers charge hundreds for.

    btw, it's 'make money FROM it'.

  5. I think you should start out as some sort of position in an organization-

    I mean like a graphics designer for a school newspaper or yearbook.  Then you can have something you can use on your resume.

    I was in your position a year ago, and thank god I joined the newspaper at school.  I won the NSPA national competition for graphics design, and I created and managed the website for the newspaper.

    Point is, now because I had all that to show I landed a job as a web designer for my university.  And it was mainly because I had some solid backing on my Resume; you can have all the skill in the world but until you get some credit it is very hard to get a job.

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