
Can a 17 year old pregnant girl leave home with her mother's permission

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Can a 17 year old pregnant girl leave home with her mother's permission




  1. of couse you can with parent permission

  2. I don't see why not.  

  3. Yea why not...

  4. The day you have your baby is the day you become an adult no matter how old you are. Depending on where you live, 17 year old females are considered adults. Not everywhere though. If you have your parents permission, you can pretty much do whatever you want. I was pregnant at the age of 14 and I left home. I seriously recomend having  steady financial stability before you go anywhere. Especially if you are having a baby. It's a lot of work to do by yourself whether you have baby's father around or not. The answer though is yes. You can leave home with your mothers permission. :)

  5. yes...

    i wouldn't suggest it tho.. just b/c she is preggo.. you will need help..and alot of it

  6. Who's asking? The 17yr old pregnant girl or her mother?  My answer would depend on it.

  7. why do you need permission?  my answer is yes, but trust me if your gonna do it alone its so hard you definatley will need help with the baby. i am married and 27 just had a baby and i still need my mum for help. its the hardest job in the world

  8. yes u dont even have to have permission i believe. you can leave but a lot of things u might not have axcess to. like buying an appartment, getting certain things. getting credit cards. stuff you might need to for the baby...

  9. um... yes she can okay???

  10. i guess so...but it's so hard being pregnant aspecialy emotionaly, and even your mom is not happy about the situation, sonner or later will get ove it and help you! It's nothing like having your mom next to you in those hard moments. She love's you  and only she wishes it did not happent, but give her some time and you can become the best friends.

  11. You could, but if your not emancipated, she can always get you back.

    You could try negociating with her, or if you are having the baby and really don't want to live with her, you could enroll yourself into foster care until you turn 18, then you decide where you live! (:

  12. well i live in australia and i know that you can leave home at 16 as long as you have a place to go and arent putting yourself and baby at any 15 and 33 weeks and i live with my boyfriend(14 when i left home) and the police said that as long as i was safe and happy and my dad didnt push to get me home then i was okay...good luck to you and your baby anyway..and congrats x*x  

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