
Can a 18 year old adoptive girl leave adoptive home and move back home with birth-mother.?

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i have 8 children and 3 of them i voluntary gave my rights to this woman cause at that time i wasn't able to care for them,and my three other sons they with someone else and she has guardianship over them but i still have contact with them and do a lot fun things with oldest son is his own an i have a 4 year son living me. my daughter is pregnant and she is 18 years old now an she left her adoptive home cause she got tired of the things that were going on in the home, like the adoptive mom 30 year old son hitting her in the face and had red blood clots in her eye, so she left home and was living from place to place to keep from going back to the adoptive home. so she contacted me and i took her in my home so was i wrong cause i love my children and i refuse tolet her be on the streets and pregnant so me and adoptive mom is going to blows with eachother over this and now i believe it's just the money. and she wants her to come home and my daughter refuse to go home.




  1. The daughter is 18 and can live where she wants.  She should call the police about her adoptive brother hitting her and also let adult protective services know what is going o there

  2. if she's 18yo she can do whatever she wants. she's an adult now.

  3. If the guardianship was voluntary and not court-ordered for some reason certainly she can live with you. If it was court ordered and their was abuse in the foster care she should come to you and immediately report the abuse to the authorities.

  4. If your daughter is 18 and was being abused, of course it makes sense to welcome her.  She should still contact Social Services to find out what help is available for her.  At 18, she is an adult and can make her own decisions.

  5. At 18 your child is considered an adult and could do what she wants with regards to her living situation.  If she is old enough to get pregnant, I would think she is old enough to decide where she wants to live.

    You said that the adoptive mother is concerned about the money.  What money?  At 18, there should not be any money coming in for the adoptive mother.  

    Good luck.

  6. Long story short, an 18 year old woman can do whatever she wants.  She's of age now and can make her own decisions.   Why is money involved?  If it's a foster home, that money should've stopped when the girl turned 18.

  7. If she is 18 she is leagally an adult and can live where she wants. If you want her to live with you thats your and her choice. the adoptive mother can do nothing.

  8. It would seem that at 18 she's a legal adult & can live where she wants to.  That is not to say that you won't have problems with the adoptive parents because of it, though.  Do your best to work out problems at live at peace with the adoptive family.

  9. She is 18 years old she can do what she wants.

  10. if your daughter is 18, she's perfectly within her rights to live wherever she wants

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