
Can a 20-year old lose some hearing by listening to REALLY loud blasting music for 2 and a half min. in a car?

by Guest60899  |  earlier

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Can a 20-year old lose some hearing by listening to REALLY loud blasting music for 2 and a half min. in a car?




  1. Yea it can cause permanent damage , but you should get some back after a day or so I would think , but later in life if the damage was bad enough , it may return.

    Research it on the internet  

  2. It only takes one second to burst an eardrum

  3. Yes. This is how hearing works and why the person could loose some hearing. Typically this type of hearing loss results in the high pitches being lost. Anyway, the sound goes in and hits the eardrum which vibrates the small bones in the ear. this vibration continues into something called the cochlea. This is a snail shaped organ in the body that contain little hairs that move with the vibrations and send signals through the nerves. The reason it is snail shaped is because it has to be very long. If you rolled it out it would be very long and to fit in the head, it needs to be coiled. It's a tube with little hairs in it.

      Anyway, High pitches are rapid vibrations and the lower pitches are farther apart and slower.  High pitches don't go as far as lower pitches so the first hairs read the high pitches. If it is too loud the waves are very forceful and can damage the little hairs at the beginning of the cochlea. Once those hairs are damaged, hearing loss will occur because it will not send signals to the brain that sounds is coming in.

      A hard of hearing person will often be more likely to hear a male voice than a female voice. This is one of the main reasons.

  4. no dont do it again

  5. why do you want to do it again? it all comes back when your older we all pay for the damage we do now to ourselves

  6. Yes, anywhere over about 110 decibels for more than 1 Minute can cause hearing  loss.

  7. It has to be continuous every day for years

  8. YES!  

  9. probably not, it has to be a continuous thing, every day for years.

  10. duh! it doesn't matter how long you listen to it and how old you are it depends on how loud it is and how sensitive your ears are, but no matter what its 2min. if you keep doing it...your hearing will either be lost or really suck

  11. A Doc's answer: YES

    Anytime you have your ears ring or hurt after loud sounds, including a pop-ing sound/feeling a ring or anything that doesn't feel good or normal you ARE doing hearing damage.

    Now, the lest amount the better, you can do damage in the 2-3min range easy. The now the amount of damage done is most likely not much, but can be a lot in that time, a good rule of thumb- if it hurts or rings-buzz-or any other weird feeling in the inner ear  YOU need to turn it down

  12. A stock car stereo will not be loud enough to cause permanent damage from that short period of a time.  A modified system with large amplifiers and speakers can cause your ear drums to burst or cause other permanent damage.

  13. Yes. They can.

  14. Art is right-also they are finding that since the 60s-70s when things like headphones came into existence,and standing too close to speakers at a concert does effect the hearing .

    Although it may not be noticed until later. Of course there are many things in the world  that have  items above the safe zone. 2 minutes shouldn't be too much af a concern unless

    your ears start hurting or your eardrum blowsout

  15. absolutely yes

    and the hearing loss can be permanent.


  16. You would need to have a system that could do better than 160 db which is 40 db louder than a gunshot or 20 db louder than a jet taxiing down the runway from 50m away

  17. depends how loud it was

  18. Yeah might do some damage that cumatively over a very long time will add up to worse hearing. Really, really loud sounds seem to s***w up my hearing for about a day afterwards like a good concert for example but then I feel fine again after that. Probably didn't do me any good but if you're hearing things differently from after that 2 and a half minutes you'll probably feel better in the immediate future.

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