
Can a 2005 mustang gt use bio-fuel ?

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Minimum octane rating of 98

Bio-fuel ratio is 10%




  1. yes it can  anythign bio fuel can go into a gas or diesle powered engine.. all it is is corn or vegetable oil extracetd througha long process ,, it comes out like grease from a deep fryer and isnt polluting

  2. You are talking about 10% ethanol?

    Of course, all modern gas engines can accept 10% ethanol.

    The more significant question is whether we can generate that much ethanol and still feed a hungry world.

  3. I can't see why someone with a 2005 Mustang GT would be looking to use bio-fuel.

    Ethanol contains water.  It's not possible to process this water out of Ethanol.  Water doesn't compress and could cause damage to your engine.

    If given a choice, use pure gas or get a different car.

  4. The maximum you can use is 10% ethanol. It will cost you a ton when it comes to power so don't expect to win any race when you are running high amounts of ethanol.

  5. yeah you can use E10 & probably have without knowing it.

    in states like Iowa,Missouri & Nebraska that have state laws requiring all stations sell only E10 orE85 instead of straight gasoline the pumps arent labeled anymore.

    the only way you can tell is your gas milage & power drops 10% to15% & older cars with carburetors dont idle very well on it.

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