
Can a 3.4 weighted gpa bring me to a 4 year college? ?

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hi guys, im an upcoming senior in high school and lately i've very anxious about college. my parents want me to go to a 4 year college, instead of a state or a jc.

well im new to this college stuff and heres my personal info

im asian american

i have a 3.4 weighted gpa and 3.2 non-weighted (high school gpa)

i have a 3.7 gpa in college

200 hours of community service

and a pretty low SAT SCORE (under 1600)

is there a chance that ill be able to get into a 4 year college. and if i can, what is a good college that i can apply to?




  1. It shouldnt be hard for you to get into a decent school, one that is not most selective, but more selective.

    One ranked in the top 100 for nationals? May take a bit work, but I wouldnt rule it out.  

  2. uhh lets see....i mean everyone can get into a college just not a good college...... theres colleges that let people in  that couldnt get into other schools but you have to search what college  that is depending on where you live. You could try Christopher Newport...i think that they let in people with low gpa's. umm you want to go with a college in your state because its a lot cheaper than going out of state and will be a little bit easier to get in to a in state school just because you have lived there. good luck and have fun in college!

  3. Some universities say that a high GPA will not require the SAT/GRE like the one I am in taking my MBA. So you have to do some personal digging into the local colleges by asking for catalogs and talking to career counselors at the ones you really are considering. But your gpa was/is a lot better than mine was in high school so you should do fine GPA wise. You may have to retake the SAT's later on if you want to get in the college that requires a higher SAT score then what you currently have. If so, then study hard! Good luck!

  4. Your parents are right.  Go to a 4 year college, skip the Community College route.  Don't even go to a community college to get some basic courses and then transfer.  Just put community college out of your mind altogether.  

    You can take the SAT again if you wish.  Register on line to take the one October 4.  The college will take the highest SAT score you get as the one they look at.  You have a lot of community service hours, so that is very good.  

    As for which college to apply to, how about looking at what is closest to your house.  Going to college is a new and difficult experience, and being 1 or 2 or 3 hours away can help a lot.  I had a friend whose daughter got hurt in sports in her first semester at college.  It was a long ordeal, because it took a long time to heal.  Her parents were able to go there every weekend and help her take care of her foot, take her to dinner, encourage her, etc.  If you go far away, you can't come home very often and are really on your own without much support.  On the other hand, if you have a dream of living in another state, maybe now would be the time to try that, if you are an independent sort of person.  Visit as many colleges in person as you can, so you know what they are like, and if it's what you are looking for.

    Apply to colleges on line.  Go to the website College  They can help you a lot.  Apply to several colleges, and see which ones accept you.  Then decide with your parents which one is the best for you.  Applications are usually due in the fall, so you will have to get moving pretty quickly.  

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