
Can a 3 year old child be judged in a 3 minute school admission interview ?

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  1. I would never send a three year old to school. Least of all to the kind of school with such an interview. That is too much stress on the child. Try homeschooling your three year old. It is much healthier. The internet is a great resouce of free preschool material. Believe me he/she won't get behind.

  2. YES

  3. No! I work with 3 year olds every day and you can't get them to do anything in 3 min.

  4. no noway this rule id disgustiing but dear we cant help it

    its the rule in all school

    well i must say as i am teacher that its not gud

    but one thing in three minutes we can say that a child can speak and can try to study in the way teh scchool wants

    thats all

    i think that is the reason they take three min to take interview any ways i think go the ans


  5. Absolutely not.  While a general idea about the child's academic skills may be determined during this time period (emphasis being on GENERAL), there is no opportunity for observing the child's social, emotional, or physical development during this amount of time.  A great body of research exists to contradict this type of pre-school screening, as there is no way to obtain an accurate or appropriate representation of the whole child and his or her abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

  6. I don't think so.......................

  7. sort of a teacher can judge handling of the child in this time period even something abt his/her behavior as how does the child is behaving with stranger & how much tendency of following instruction does that child have his/her speach can be judged.But if u want to say that we can have a perfect picture then for that i must say sometimes a mother who has brought up the child can give a perfect judgment for her child coz u r never sure for children they r always surprising :)

  8. Well I have never heard of a 3 minute school interview and certaintly if this is true would you really want your child going to that school?

  9. Yes they watch to see how you two interact and how he responds to others. It just helps them place your child with a teacher that will reach him on his level. As for how intelligent they are it is not something they are looking at. They are a school they know that at that age it is their job to teach. It is also why they don't technically have a report card, just a progress report.

  10. Absoutly not. Childern act different in different places at that age. You can't expect them to adapt and act at full potential.

  11. Yes...  The accuracy is a bunch of c**p, yet it is done all of the time.

  12. no and you should not allow your child to be judged in a three minute admission interview. You should bring samples of your child's art work to the school and pictures of your child playing. Sell your child to the school, don't let the school tell you that your child is not good enough. Find a school that will allow your child to be a child. Academics at the 3 year old level is a bunch of junk. Your child needs to be a child!

  13. No he cannot be judged like this. Usually the kids do not respond to questions in such situations.

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