
Can a 33yr old take the SAT tests? If so how much and where can they be taken in NYC?

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I have a GED and would like to enter a four year college. I attended a community college for a semester, but I had to withdraw due to health reasons and did not earn a single credit.




  1. Since you are 33 they probably won't have you take the SAT instead I know for the college I attend in Upstate NY some people in my college class got admitted as an "adult learner" which may not sound as good but when you think about it math for example have changed. Many schools have where certain classes you can be exempt from because of life experiences. Others will take an entrance exam rather than have you take the SAT. Here are a few links to colleges in NYC that talks about adult learners:

    This should get you started and hope that helps :)

  2. There is no age limit.

    Visit for details.

  3. I think you can still go to a four year college I don't think you need to take the SAT's.  Many people never take the SAT's in HS, don't go to college and later in life decide to go back.  They don't need to take the SAT's.

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