
Can a 4 month old have?

by  |  earlier

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  1. if she is refusing her bottle try pedialyte, it is safe but i would ask my doctor or the nurse line of your insurance company.also if she continues to refuse her bottle thru the night , i suggest you see your doctor, you might need to change your daughter's formula or something else...don't panic though, it's really tough to take care of little ones but you'll get through it..

  2. Why would you want to do this?

      If you can't provide enough breastmilk, you would want to supplement with formula.  Pedialyte has no nutrients and few calories.

    If she is sick (the sort of situation where a doctor might recommend pedialyte for a formula fed baby), you're better off just breastfeeding. Breastmilk is absorbed very quickly, so can be used by a baby who has severe diarrhea or vomiting.

    The only situation I can possibly come up with where a BF baby might need pedialyte migh be a sick baby who is refusing to nurse, and you can't pump breastmilk for her for some reason.

  3. I was told to only give my son pedialyte when his tummy was upset and he was throwing up or spitting up alot... also its used if your baby has a serious case of diarreha.

    the fact that she has blood in her poo needs to be brought to the pediatricians attention right away! if she is bleeding severely... SHE NEEDS TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL...

  4. She can but what makes you think she needs it?

  5. i would hope so cuz my doc gave me a perscription for it right after birth due to jaundice...

  6. well is there a reason you need to give her pedialyte?

    the pedialyte will actually give her diarreha.....

  7. ask the DR what to do and how to care for her

    and yes she can but make sure you follow directions and put it in the refrigerator after you open it!

  8. yes. but remember that it is used as a substitute for formula

  9. I, personally, wouldn't give a 4 month old BF baby pedialyte unless she's refusing to nurse.  A sick formula fed 4 month old, yes.

  10. Blood in her BM's.  I don't think that is normal.  Take her to the pediatrician.  Lie to the doctor, tell them she has had more bm's.  You are the mother and only you know when something is not right.   Hope she gets well.

  11. My advice would be to get the advice of your peditrician. However if your baby is getting dehydrated and that is why you are using pedilyte, then she is old enough to drink it. But do call your doctor who knows you and your baby ;)

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