
Can a 4 year old girl get a yeast infection?

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Can a 4 year old girl get a yeast infection?




  1. Absolutely. Take her to a Dr. incase it gets really bad.

  2. yes...but it could be transmitted. Not always mind you, not wanting to freak anyone out, but molested children have a much higher occurrence. Have her eat lots of yogurt

  3. even babies can get yeast infections

  4. Childhood And Yeast Infection

    When babies are born, they come into the world with a completely sterile digestive system. There are no bacteria present in their intestines and the immune system has not been activated. It is not until pass through the vaginal canal where vaginal fluids are swallowed, and they suckle at the breast of mom, that bacteria in the form of lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium are introduced as well as many others. These bacteria go to work in the digestive system setting up large colonies. Probiotic bacteria are beneficial and provide the body with a first line of defense against bad bacteria, pathogens, parasites, viruses, and microbes that can make the body sick. Colostrum and monosaccharides are also introduced from mother's milk which stimulate and builds the immune system.

    Breast-feeding is absolutely the best thing you can do for your baby for the first year if at all possible. A strong and healthy immune system will keep your child healthy and off of the medicines that can cause yeast infection in children. However, if you are not getting the correct nutritional nutrients, you will not be able to pass them along to your child.

    I did not get this benefit as a child. The result was pneumonia at 6 months old and hospitalization along with all the drugs. Forty years ago, breast-feeding was looked upon as something not necessary, and there was a huge push by the food industry for soy-based formulas for infants. (Soy is a hormone disrupter.) There are also more vitamins and minerals in dog food than baby formula. Don't use it if at all possible.

    It simply amazes me how something that was done for millions of years suddenly became sociably unacceptable and thought to be not needed.

    From that point on, my life was one of pneumonia 7 times and bronchitis every single year until I was about 11 years of age. Antibiotics raged through my body every year, sometimes 3 to 6 times. By the time I was 10 or 11, I think it was 10, my digestive system was totally destroyed by what I believe to be a yeast infection in children. How do I know this? I got diarrhea, and had it for 1 month! I also would get ringworm, athlete's feet often and had very bad smelling gas. Athletes feet and ringworm are a form of fungus, which is what yeast infections are.

    Did the doctors ever figure out the cause? Nope. They did take me off all medications, and I had to eat a healthy diet. I truly believe that the fungus was starved enough that most of it died which allowed me to recover.

    The cause of all this was a childhood life on antibiotics, which are made from fungi and are a known killer of bacteria, both good and bad. After that illness, I became pretty healthy and never had pneumonia again, I also amazingly lost my taste for sugar. Sugar and all its forms feed yeast. I remained fairly healthy until my late teenage years when I began to party and drink beer. More sugar and mold: beer is full of sugar and mold and will cause yeast infections as well as damage the immune system and liver. But this is a whole other story, which has no place in this report, but the yeast did come back.

    Cause of Yeast Infection in Children

    Since children's immune systems are not fully developed, they do get the whole range of childhood sicknesses sometimes and seem to bring home from school whatever is going around at the time if their immune system is weakened. This usually means a trip to the doctor for some good ole' antibiotics, which is the number one cause of yeast infection in children. I am a firm believer in letting the immune system deal with illness before I have to take such drastic action.

    For example, my 8 year old recently was ill, probably the flu, and what I did was simply let it take its course while I gave her natural supplements. I do not give my kids anything to knock down a fever. A fever is the immune system in action trying to defeat the disease naturally. If you give them aspirin or Tylenol, it will knock down the fever and let the disease take control, then they will be sick for a week or so. Anyway, she was well in two days on her own.

    Give them Pedialyte to drink. Herbs and supplements can be given based on symptoms. Try to get them to eat, and let them rest. If it does drag on then a trip to the doctor may be needed, of course, but antibiotics are a last resort. I have to add, my 8 year old has never been sick for more than 3 days. And out of the 4 of us in my family she is the only one that doesn't have a yeast infection in children based on the spit test. The rest of us have a yeast infection at one stage or another. Of course, I cured myself with the treatments listed on this website. I am also constantly treating my 18 year old daughter, since she never seems to listen until she is sick.

    NOTE: Aspirin and other salicylate containing medicines have been linked to Reyes Syndrome. Tylenol and other acetaminophen medications damage the liver and death from overdose is common.

    If you do give your child antibiotics, have the doctor prescribe Nystatin to be taken with the antibiotic. Nystatin is a prescription anti-fungal derived from a soil-based bacteria and yeast, believe it or not, and is completely safe since it does not enter the blood stream. Nystatin will keep the yeast fungi from over running the intestines, since you are killing the good bacteria as well as the bad with the antibiotic. After they finish taking it, please give them Total Immune Booster or CP-1 for treating yeast infection in children and to restore the good bacteria that the antibiotic killed so they do not get a yeast infection in children.

    Yeast Infection in Children Common Symptoms

    Common yeast infection symptoms in children are thrush, frequent diaper rash, colic lasting over 3 months, athletes foot, hives, eczema, digestive problems such as gas, bloating and diarrhea, and chronic ear infections.

    Other symproms are a craving for sweets, re-ocurrent headaches, a persistent cough, or nasal congestion? Other yeast infection in children symptoms are being labeled as hyperactive, tired, unhappy or depressed, learning problems, and having a short attention span.

    Dr. William Crook The Yeast Connection and Dr. C. Orian Truss The Missing Diagnosis, have also linked yeast infection in children to chronic ear infections. Think about it, before the onset of the ear infections, did your child go on antibiotics for a cold, flu, or something of that sort? Do they eat a lot of foods that are full of sugar and yeasts?

    Tubes being placed in the ears is the most common surgery performed today in the US, and in my experience, it does not work. If your child suffers from chronic ear infections, before the surgery is done, I would place the child on Colostrum, Total Immune Booster, or CP-1 and change their diet to the candida diet and see what happens. Or simply don't allow them to eat sugars and processed foods. You may be pleasantly surprised, as a lot of other people have been.

    Avoiding Yeast Infection In Children

    The idea is to strengthen the immune system and avoid the unnecessary introduction of fungi(mold) into your children's bodies so you avoid a yeast infection in children and to maintain the good bacteria balance in their digestive system.

    To do this, you would need to meet their whole food nutrition needs and supplement their diets with anti-oxidants, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals. Certain probiotics are good for this as you will find out below.

    Don't feed them peanuts or peanut butter unless it is organic valencia peanuts because peanuts are universally contaminated with mold as well as corn and yeast products. Eliminate these three types of foods from their diet if you do not want them to get a yeast infection in children. I would eliminate it from your diet, as well, or at least buy organic. There are more foods that are not recommended to eat, but these are the two worst for yeast. One other food of mention is bananas, which are universally contaminated with mycotoxins as well. Please see Diet report and Cause report to your left for more information on these two subjects.

    Yeast Infection in Children and Probiotics

    Several years ago, Bernard Jensen, D.C., world-renowned author, lecturer, and teacher of natural health, said, "It is an indisputable fact that illness, old age, and even death itself are due to the accumulation of waste products (within the body) ... to the inability of the body to replenish its cellular structures and organs with fresh, vital nutrients."

    There are many probiotic supplements on the market today all claiming to be the most powerful and beneficial for your health, unfortunately that is not the case. In a study done by the University of Washington in 1990 they found that "Most of the lactobacillus containing products currently available either do not contain the Lactobacillus species and/or contain other bacteria of questionable benefit". Here it is 16 years later, and I am afraid not much has changed.

    Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteriums are also the two biggest colonies, according to Professor Khem Shahani of Nebraska Cultures, considered by many to be the father of probiotic research, that will take up residence in the intestinal tract. So the added benefit of these bacteria for a child that is not yet fully developed can be astronomical and will have a positive effect on their long-term health.

    There are also many different species that need to be present to support these stronger species. Bacterial colonies are like exclusive communities where everyone helps one another to survive. They function as a group, not as individuals. There lies the problem with probiotics for yeast infection in children. Without all these species present, the probiotics you are giving your child or yourself will not establish new colonies and they will only work while you take them. I recommend a certain probiotics for everyone. You can learn about them here.

    Most children also have an underdeveloped immune system and this needs to be addressed. They seem to get everything and are constantly sick bringing home every bug there is from school and daycare. Once they are provided with the right nutrition for their immune systems, amazing things can happen with children since they respond so well in such a short amount of time.

    Colostrum for yeast infection in children has to be the one of the single greatest immune system products ever. It contains high amounts of immunoglobulins like IgA, which defends the mucous linings in the body. It has the capability to kill yeast, bacteria, and aid the body in the defense of viral attack.

    To treat yeast infections in children I like and recommend Symbiotics Wild Chery Colostrum Plus Chewables or Symbiotics Colostrum Plus Pineapple because the acid in the stomach destroys colostrum so it needs to be chewed to be absorbed sublingually. Symbiotics Colostrum Plus contains 800mgs of colostrum and 12mgs of lactoferrin. It is very potent and lactoferrin is an excellent yeast killer as well as one of the best immune stimulators known. I always keep a bottle on hand for my now 12 year old or any of us that may get that tickle in the throat or whatever else during cold and flu season. Your kids will also love the taste. Doses should be 2 tabs 3 x a day.

    You should also give your child Custom Probiotics 1 or Total Immune Booster to kill yeast and restore balance within their intestines. The capsules can be opened and they can take the powder if its easier. Doses should be 1 to 2 capsules at bedtime, which equals 50 to 100 billion bacteria. Most probiotics for kids only contain 500 million to 1 or 2 billion and this is way way to weak to be effective. They need to get at least 50 billion a day to do any good.

    You will also need to restrict sugar, grains, yeast foods, and dairy in their diets so you don't continue to feed the yeast. This might be a little tough but you have to do it. Their sugar cravings and possible tantrums will pass in a few days so don't give in.

    If they have a rash or skin yeast then you can apply Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil directly to the infected area. Coconut oil contains lauric acid and other compounds that kill candida yeast and the oil soothes any itching and irritation they might have. You can also cook with this oil and the food cooked in this will have antifungal properties.

  5. yes. antibiotics, stress and this time of year is great for running around the yard in a wet swimmingsuit. #1 cause of yeast infection in little girls.  

  6. Yes, she can get a yeast infection as easily as another person can.

  7. yes she can.

  8. yes she can at any age a female can get a yeast infection

  9. yep

  10. Yes she can.  Sometimes when they take antibiotics it causes a yeast infection, but they can also catch them from other things.

  11. indeed she can

  12. Yes

  13. Absolutely!  She can have a vaginal yeast infection or a topical yeast infection (on the skin).  

  14. um, not sure. see i recently just got one. it happens to every girl at any age. it is called puberty. but since she is four i'm not sure. i guess so, but 4 year olds don't even give discharge. sorry for being pacific, but that is the fact. without even slight discharge, she can't get a yeast infection.

  15. yes. Nappy rash is a mild form of thrush. A 4 year olds thrush is not treated internally

  16. She can get one at any age.

  17. yes especially if shes been on antibiotics recently

  18. Yes, she can like anyone really can. Eat yogart the body had made to much yeast and yogart helps.

  19. yes a 4 yr old girl can get a yeast infection and it's normal but from a question I read from you earlier, I would bring up the fact that she is much more likely to get infections from molestation.  Infection could occur without it.

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