
Can a 43 year old woman get away with dressing goth? ?

by  |  earlier

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If not, what is the best way to convey a dark outlook with clothing as an expression?




  1. Yeah, I don't see why not.  I've known of many older goths, or elder goths, as us in the scene call them.  

  2. helllll no. he/she could wear black trench coats

  3. I'm sorry but NOBODY can get away with dressing goth! Why do you want to display a dark outlook anyway? If you look better you will feel better! But if you are really into it, I guess just wear a lot of dark colors, please be classy though especially if you have a professional job. No dog collars or chain wallets!!! :)

  4. ewwwww nooo

  5. no, no way youll just look like a freak, an older kinda weird freak

  6.   oh for goodness sake all you people who said no need to go take a peek out in the real world for a second.  theres PLENTY of people who are goth well into very old age (i dont consider 40s old at all fyi, so i  am by no means implying that your old, im talking like, 60s+)

      seriously, when i was in finland, there were goths of all ages roaming about the place! it was freaking awsome, and i loved it.

      the only advice i can give is stay away from like, the hot topic goth look.  go for more of an aristocratic type vibe, so you dont look like your trying to be 20 or something, ya know? something like this maybe but not quite as flashy for day to day wear.  


    y would you want to dress goth??

    anywho just change your style... no one looks good goth not even teens... there are tuns at my skool and .... ew im not trying to be rude so sry if its coming off that way but seriously wouldn't it would be hard for a 43 year old woman to get respected when she dresses goth... again sorry if i'm being rude!! i know i wasn't really helpful

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