
Can a 5 year old be sexually traumatized just be seeing something?

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A friend of mine just told me about an incident that happened with her 5 year old daughter. Her 13 year old nephew was at her house and was playing with the year 5 year old daughter and he had taken the daughter outside. when the mother went to see what they were doing she found them in the shed and the 13 year old boy had his p***s out of his pants and was trying to get the 5 year old girl to touch it. The mother caught him before anything happen but the mother is confussed about what to do for her daughter at this point. My question to everyone is, what should the mother do for her daughter at this point?




  1. h**l yeah they can, don't listen to anybody that says that she won't remember it, she might not but she'll still have emotional problems later in life, or it will just make her curious or something stupid like that. It will definitely affect her even though nothing really serious happened. The mother should just try to comfort her i guess.

  2. Your friend needs to sit down and have a talk with her daughter asap.

    She needs firstly (and most importantly) explain that what happened was not her fault. She didnt do anything wrong. But, what that boy did was not right. The mum needs to explain about private parts on people (and use the correct names) and how no-one is ever allowed to touch them (explain bath time situations). If someone does try and touch her, or make her touch them, she must say no! and run away from there to an adult.

    Right now that little girl would be confused and feel ashamed, like she did something wrong. The sooner the talk the better.  

    Every parent has the right to tailor the 'private parts' speech to their own thoughts, but the little girl needs to know she didnt do anything wrong and to tell an adult.    

  3. The most important thing her mother can do at this point is NOT press the issue. She needs to let her daughter know she can talk about it, and she needs to explain calmly and rationally to her daughter what happened. But if her daughter has been traumatized, pressing her for information will probably lead to her holding it more tightly inside.

    Her mom needs to find a good pediatric psychologist who specializes in play therapy. That person can help her daughter and can assess the situation.

    She could also get the book, "A Terrible Thing Happened." It's written for children who have been traumatized, and it's geared toward children aged 4-8. My son's therapist used it to help him start dealing with stuff he went through beginning at about age 3.

    The story doesn't address the child as having had something done to them. It addresses the child's having seen something. But the most important points the book makes are that it isn't the child's fault and that talking about it helps.

    I know Borders carries the book, and if they don't have it in stock, they'll order it. Her mother can read it and decide whether she thinks it will be helpful before she purchases it. It's also available on Amazon.

    Hopefully it didn't really phase her. Hopefully she's just fine.

  4. For starters spank the c**p out of the 13 year old and tell him what he did was wrong and to say sorry and never do what he did ever again. Females have rights no matter what age, they need the respect. Furthermore ask the child how she felling and if she uncomfortable with the 13 year old it might be wise to send the child to a therapist and not let her see him.

  5. Yes the child would be well truamatized by this stupid boys behaviour. Dont let him near her again and sheneeds to take him in a corner and speak to him and tell him if she ever sees him near her daughter ever again she will report him to the police and his mother and father. He is obviously sexually frustrated and wanted to see what it was like to have his p***s touched like that, but he needs to be told and NOW.

  6. therapy and press charges

  7. Small children are quite resilient and aren't easily affected by some things that seem like they'd be traumatic. I'd venture to say that she will be fine, I'd just make sure to tell her that if anyone ever does that again that it's a big no-no... and of course make it a point to make sure she understands that nobody should touch her in certain ways either. If you're very concerned you could always take her to a child psychologist just to be sure she gets 'debriefed,' so to speak.

    On the other hand, I'd actually be way more concerned about punishing that boy. He's 13, which is not too far away from being old enough to be categorized as a s*x offender. Regardless of what the law says, he should know better than to do something like that, so I would certainly be picking his brain and sending him to some counseling.

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