
Can a 6 month old be allergic to organic apples baby food?

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My daughter has a Milk and Soy protein intollerance. I have given her apple juice diluted 1 oz to 7 oz of water before for her serious constipation. On the 4th time I tried apples, she broke out with red splotches at her temples. They only lasted a minute before disappearing. Is this an allergy? I have only just started giving her solid food and she hates rice cereal. Now I am really nervous to try anything else.




  1. You need to go through your veggie one at a time and then start fruit.

    My daughter is allergic to apples. It made her have diarrhea and vomit so yes you can be allergic to apples.

  2. Sounds like a reaction for sure.  i know a little girl who is allergic to almost everything... including apples.

  3. Try veggies first.  She wont like veggies if you give her fruit first, because she will get used to the sweetness.



    Green Beans (strained)


  4. yeah im sorry that is an allergy. my son is allergic to dairy and peanuts. so when giving him peas (since peas and peanuts are in the same family) he broke out with a rash around his mouth and threw up. but there is a possibility that she will grow out of that. just a rash is a good sign she will soon grow out of it, she can grow out of it in just a few months. my son grew out of his dairy allergy when he was 14 months old. but i started yogurt at 9 months and he was fine with that. his peanut allergy is worse now though. i have to carry a epi-pen around with him. he is now 3.5 years old. he can eats peas but will occasionally throw up. they say if you or husband's family has a history of food allergies than you should wait till the child is 3 to introduce peanuts and not eat peanuts while pregnant or breastfeeding, since now days more children are allergic to peanuts. also if there is a food allergy that runs in the family in the first year just giving her mostly formula is ok. and introduce one item for a week, then add another. its hard, trust me. and then in a few months try the food again. most likely she wont be allergic to apples forever.  

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