
Can a Bank Teller get fired if a customer blames him for taking money that he didn't?

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My b.friend has just started working as a bank teller permanantly 4 bout 3 weeks now and the other day a customer came to the back and said that my bf had taken an extra amount of money from the deposits he had given. the man said that he was supposed to have had a bit of change after doing his deposit but that my bf never give it to him. it was a small amount of money and my bf swears he didnt take it. and his not the stealing type anyway so i believe him. but how can he get the bank to believe him. Also, his cash did balance at the end of the day, he was neither short nor over and the camera also shows everything that he did and they cannot see that he took the money. but they still suspended him indefinitely and they said he could easily lose his job over this. I think the client may have counted wrong. Can he still lose his job even if he didn't do anything wrong? how can he prove to the investigators that he didn't do this? Please help





  1. if it was proven that your friend didn.t take it then no, he won.t get fired.....because the truth prevails, and the counts whos that ev erything was done correctly.....and people in this field know that there is always a customer who is crazy.......

  2. Yes.Depends on the management,not facts or justice.

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