
Can a Christian man be submissive to his Christian wife?

by Guest63104  |  earlier

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I know that it says for the wife to be submissive to the husband, but I was wondering if it would be considered wrong if the man was submissive to his wife? If anyone could please help me with this, I'd really appreciate it. :)




  1. no, you are to be submissive to each other. God said for men to love their wives as Christ loved the church. if you love God and your wife, you will not do wrong by her.

  2. You should pick mslady as the best answer. It was answered perfectly. The other one was good too though.

  3. Ephesians 5:21 says "Submit to one another"

    Remember submission does not equal obedience.  

  4. JC makes an excellent point about submission and obedience and the Bible mentions being submissive to one another.  But also, the scripture you make reference to is given with the understanding that the husband is being the spiritual leader of the family.  It would be against Christian reasoning to expect a wife to be submissive to a husband who's leading the family away from God.

  5. I agree with the first answer


  6. wives submit to your husbands in everything as unto the lord. any more questions. husband love your wife as christ loved the church. any questions.

    the bible calls for wives to respect there husbands

      husbands are to love there wives.if BOTH follow this your in the will of the long as the spouse is doing or saying things inline with the bible.

  7. sure why not compromise?

  8. they should be equal.  both  should aim  to please the other.

  9. I think that the wife and the husband should be submissive to each other. We are not salves we are help mates. That means we should help each other. Being submissive does not mean you are bowing down to each other it means that you are there to help and love each other.

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