
Can a Corn Snake be fed crickets or dry food as an alternative to mice?

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Just wondering, would it be bad for a Corn Snake to eat cricket or some other form of food, as opposed to feeding it mice? If not, what alternative foods would you recommend?




  1. i dont think you can really, im not sure if a snake will get the same nutritious values from crickets or dry food as it would from a mouse, iv heard of people feeding thair hatchlings wax worms but i think this is more of an aid to help them feed properly rather than a long term thing,  also iv heard of sausages that are made specifically for snakes but i dont know where you would get these from or how much they cost, if you cant find them then i think you may have to get used to he idea of feeding them mice, sorry about that (n dont worry about the smart arses, i get it all the time when i ask a simple question that requires a simple answer)

  2. No. They only eat rodents and birds in the wild. They are not insectivores. I think you're the 1,000th person to ask this here on Yahoo.

  3. Definitely not crickets or insects, it's not a gecko. Snakes are happy with mice and rats and do not need anything else. I would not recommend feeding it live mice, get frozen ones and thaw them before feeding.

    Some owners feed their snakes small birds, but I have never done it! You should feed the snake ideally in a separate place and make sure water is nearby. Never handle a snake for a day after it has eaten and never have more than 2 snakes in a tank. Keep baby snakes in a smaller container at first or they'll escape from the main tank. Clean their water every day and remove poo immediately. Do not microwave frozen mice, leave them on a radiator (on a paper towel) or on the tank's light, which gets very hot. Message me if you want any more info.

  4. If you really need to ask that you probably shouldn't own any snake. Sorry. A puppy sounds right up your alley though. Snakes are predators and corn snakes feed almost exclusively on rodents. Your only real alternative to feeding live mice is pre-killed or thawed.

  5. they can't they only eat mices. you can give them frozen thaw mice.It's a complete diet for the corn they don't need anything else to eat.It's not good to give them crickets .if you only give crickets your corn could die.

    Go read tyhe story on that website:

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