
Can a Custodial Parent Take a Child Out of State for vaction?

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My husband is the main cutsodial parent of our 13 year old daughter. He wants her to go on a plane with him to Florida

(we live in California) to see his arents for a week. She does not want to go. Does he need permission from me?




  1. I don't think so. After all, he is the custodial parent. If you do/would take your daughter out of a state on a vacation, there's your answer.

    I would consult an attorney and advise him/her your daughter is adamant about not wanting to go to FL. That might get you some leverage.

    God luck.

  2. Basically he only needs to let you know about it.The courts would probably over ride you anyway. I would say the problem of her not wanting to go would be a bigger problem to deal with. theres no sense starting trouble where none exists. Besides someday you may need a favor too

  3. no he does not need permission from you... she has to go. He can take her where ever he wants.

  4. Yes he can, but your daughter can refuse to go. He can't drag her on a plane kicking and screaming can he.  

  5. Look into your divorce papers. That's where your answer legally lies.

  6. Yes he does need permission from you.  I am in california and the kids are not allowed to live the state unless both parents agree. I allowed it though because I want the same rights to take my kids on vacation out of state when the time comes.  Mine went for six weeks. It make me a nervous wreck but everything worked out just fine.  Its natural to be nervous for the child's return but if he is a good dad than it should be fine.  A week is not that long.  

    What I did as well is made sure my daughters had a california id from the DMV and had them fingerprinted at the local police station so she was already on file incase of an emergency.

  7. Yes he most certainly does.And you daughter is old ought to not have to go if she doesn't want too! Call the police and they will notify the air port

    and him -They can charge him for wanting to do this and he is get a warning and they will keep an eye on him.Make sure you and your daughter is there when you talk with the police. Hope this helps you dear!  

  8. YES and believe me if you don't, it could get messy. My ex took my kids to Arizona for a "vacation" and had his girlfriend say she was me and then gave custody to his brother.  Thank GOD my ex mother in law was on my side.  ( I had custody) and she got the kids back but it took a lawyer and a whole year of their lives.

  9. it all depends on how the divorce decree reads...

    i dont think he needs permission but he needs to make you aware of his plans...

    i would consult an attorney on this..

    maybe can work something out with your husband and since your daughter doesnt want to go...she may b able to stay with you during that time..

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