
Can a DOT test detect alcohol within months weeks or several dayswhen someone is on probation?

by  |  earlier

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lets say that you had a beer 3 weeks ago, can they detect that in your urine?




  1. No, your body processes about an ounce of alcohol an hour. A beer has roughly an ounce of alcohol. So it was out of your system the next day for sure. Extended alcohol abuse thought can show up on liver tests years after someone stops. Elevated liver activity is a sign somone maybe drinking lots of alcohol. It's also a sign of diabetes but there you have it.

  2. doubt it - and if it was only one beer i'm sure they won't get bent out of shape about it

  3. NO alcohol only stays in your system for a matter of hours not days or weeks

  4. DOT don't do alcohol test on urine. They do a breath test for alcohol. And if it was 3 weeks ago why are you worried. A urine test is for drugs only. and marijuana is the only drug that they test for that may test positive after 3 weeks.

  5. The amount and type of alcohol can change the time in system but it will never be detectable after three or more days..

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