
Can a Dog get rabies if it bites an animal that may have rabies?

by  |  earlier

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My dog got sprayed by a skunk and later we found the skunk dead. We did not see any bite marks on the skunk but the dog had skunk hair in his mouth and I did not want to inspect the skunk too closely so I may have missed a bite mark. My question is.. Can an animal catch rabies by biting an animal that may have rabies? I know they can get it is they get bit but I can't find any info on the chances of contracting the disease if the dog is the one doing the biting. Please leave references so I may read the web page for more info. Thank you.




  1. Ok, hmmmmmmmm, I'll give you some trusty websites here in a sec. But from what i know, if he/she has rabies shots, then probably not. But I'll give you the links when i get it right


    if your dog looks like this: take em to the vet ASAP

    here's some that'll help ya:

    scroll down with that link until you get to the info

    This one is similar to yours.

    Here are some more

    Ok, if that's not enough, tell me.

    But do really and sincerely hope that your dog does not have rabies, for, like it said in the links, there is no cure. =((

    But ask your friend if it had rabies shots ASAP. If it didnt, I would wait till monday to take it to the vet. Or if you see 'em today.... But just to be on the safe side, dont let it get near other people, stay a safe distance from it, and DEFINITLY keep away from small children. And DONT EVER NEVER let it bite you, or ANYONE else.

    Hope all goes well,

    =D =D =D =D =D=D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D = D

  2. Yes of course. The point is that there is a transfer of body fluid. If the bites were deep enough that they actually punctured skin, the skunk's body fluid would infect the dog's saliva.

    But it sounds like your dog only managed to grab some fur out. So then your dog would not get rabies. And it's likely the skunk died for other reasons, although it does look a bit suspicious.

    But regardless, there is still a risk, so taking your dog to have his rabies shot updated would be best. And this is only assuming his rabies is out of date. If he is up to date with shots, he will be immune to rabies.

    Edit: lol sorry, I misread the first time.

    And here is a site which you might find useful:

    Well, for the time being, I guess all you can do is leave a message at the vets. Or maybe you can get in touch with the firend? The dog should be fine, but if he starts showing any strange symptoms, I would take him to another vet clinic that is open. And another thing, if the skunk indeed died from rabies, it would be pretty clear since the rabies would be at its "peak". The fur should be really messy, discharge around eyes,  and there should be foam around the mouth.

  3. I would think so, if your dog bite him he could have gotten it, best bet would be to call your vet or animal clinic and ask them. If you have kept your dogs shots up to date he should be ok.

  4. i dont think so, usually the skunk would have to bite the dog in order for the dog to get rabies

  5. yes he can because the rabies are in the blood and body therefore your dog can get rabies from biting the skunk.

  6. I  am not sure if skunks have  rabies- I guess they do and  to answer your query YES if a rabies infected animal bites another animal or human its transferred Take your dog to the VET  ASAP

    has your dog been given  anti-rabies shots? surely your dog may have got/ bit the  skunk in a place that could have  caused it to die not because your dog has  rabies

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