
Can a European national team finally win the World Cup outside of Europe in 2010?

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  1. Of course, France has already got it won. Just wait and see...

  2. Yes

  3. Why Not?

  4. I think the only teams who have a chance in are Spain , Germany and Italy. thats if Spain dont mess up like they do in all the other World Cup

  5. germany in 2014.

    extra info: argentina to win in 2010.

    2018: i think its b/w italy and brazil to win that one. if that happens, then we are winners outside europe (if that is hosted outside europe)

  6. Italy will.

  7. I hope Spain or Argentina win it.  

  8. Doubt it.  Argentina is winning this one.

  9. no

  10. Italy will of course!  

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