
Can a Feminist be a Stay at Home Mom?

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It seems there is a big misconception about feminists and stay at home mom's, like each look down on the other regarding their choices. Hypothetically speaking, if I were a stay at home Mom, yet I claimed to be a hard core feminist, would you guys call me a hypocrate? Could you explain why?

It seems some of these misconceptions are lumping each choice into a particular group where there is a lot of generalization going on.




  1. Of course a feminist can be a stay at home mom.  A feminist can be whatever they want to be.  That's the whole point.

    I don't encounter much of the negativity- except from people on here trying to stir up trouble.

    I am a feminist, and a stay at home mom.

  2. Women are born with a will/choices.

  3. No, I wouldn't call you a hypocrite. It's been done many, many times. Feminism is all about choice, and that one is just as viable as any other.

  4. Personally I think that if a feminist genualy wants to be a stay at home mom and she isn't bowing to pressure from husband or parents or church or scoiety then no she isn't being a hypocrite.

  5. Yes! Feminism is about women having the choice of being a SAHM.

    Judging by the majority of the responses here, it seems the only ppl who have issues with stay at home mums are the ant-feminist folk.

    What a surprise.

  6. Yes, you can be a feminist and a stay at home mother. The only type of feminist that isn't compatible with stay at home mothering is the imaginary, stereotypical one that people hostile to feminism like to dream up.

  7. I think you would get a lot of groans and eye-rolling from feminists.

  8. have a choice weather or not to be a stay at home mom. who knows, maybe your kids really need you or maybe this is for your sanity. but no you are not a hypocrite.

  9. You have made the best decision for your family. I don't know why people think feminist should be selfish and not think of their families but that is completely wrong. The thing we want is to be treated with respect. We want people to know that we deserve to be loved and we deserve to have rights. We deserve to make our own decision and not have some man make them for us. We deserve to be treated like we have intelligence and not like some stupic second class citizen. It would be your choice to make and it would be the right choice. People think that women should be treated like dirt, raped and beaten and used as mens s*x toys.  We are more than that and it is about time that men got on the ball and started treating women better.

  10. What would be hypocritical part?   Feminism is about choice.

  11. Of course a feminist can be a stay-at-home-mom!  Feminism is about choices, about respecting women's choices, and valuing female traits just as much as male traits.

  12. Yes sure, the whole point of female liberation is that we can choose, This swings both ways, if we want to stay tradditional etc then that is fine too.

  13. I don't think the two things are necessarily mutually exclusive.  There are plenty of career women who are not feminists, Margaret Thatcher springs to mind for instance, she despised feminism.  And there are probably stay at home wives who are feminists too.  Assuming you don't believe that it is necessary to be in paid employment in order to be feminist.

  14. na..your not alone in that..

    feminist arnt all man hate hairy lesbians know they stuff they say.  Dont worry.

  15. Yes, and a SAHM can be a feminist too.

  16. Most of the feminists I know have had kids and stayed home with their kids for a few years.

    So this crazy idea that feminists can't be stay at home moms must not be in the Feminist Handbook like the anti-feminists


  18. A feminist, yes she could,

    A feminazi, I doubt it, they are just too self centered.

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