
Can a Freind can be proposed for marriage?

by Guest65605  |  earlier

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Can a Freind can be proposed for marriage?




  1. ya of course jst that u have to make out and have ababy so he or she will marry u

  2. why not?

  3. Of cos  usually close friends end up getting married cos you are very familiar and comfortable with that person .To be a close friend , I am sure you have  caring feelings at  first and which might lead to loving and wanting to be with that person for life.

  4. its quiet natural u can

  5. If u both are that much close......... and if you both are understnding each other.....then .......NO PROBLEM go ahead

  6. What's a freind?  And is it safe to propose them?

  7. hmmm....not sure, depends on what kind of friendship it friend n i have decided that if by a certain age neither of us r married, we'd marry each other...u no jus in case plan A n B dont wrk out :)

  8. yes

  9. Yes,if it's true love.

  10. what?!

  11. I married my best friend...that's all we were nothing else...we have been married for 3 years and going strong...good luck in your relationship

  12. No harm. If both of you are mature enough and keep maintaining your friendship even after the marriage, you will be one of those luckiest couple.

    At worst! you can be foe for ever after marriage!!!

  13. Definitely. In fact, your fiancé ought to be your friend first, as friendship is a necessary component of a successful marriage.

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