
Can a HPT detect ovulation?

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I have been TTC for 14 months (including 2 miscarriages) and am convinced that I am going CRAZY! I am feeling dull aches and pains in my lover abdomen and my nipples are sensitive. I am also feeling very emotional like I could cry all the time. So... I took a HPT even though I am only on day 16 of my cycle. It was a faint positive (?!?!?) and I went for a HCG beta but it was negative.

Could that faint positive have picked up ovulation or was it just a false postive?

The docs attitude is it was neg so keep trying... I am currently looking into fertility specialists.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated and please only serious answers from ppl with experience.

Thanks so much!!!




  1. nope it detects only hcg. sorry. i would keep trying. only ovulation test predict that.

  2. Nope! A pregnancy test detects a different hormone than an ovulation predictor kit.

  3. Ok so here's my answer. First, you could be wishing so hard that you visualized a positive, that can totally happen. People make up all kind of things when they are desperate ( i know this cause I was and am , LOL!) Second, the pregnancy tests will never detect ovualtion because they are set up to measure levels of HCG not the other thing, (sorry can remember what they call it). Anyway I know it is easier said then done, but try and find a hobby that makes you happy that keeps your mind from obsessing over trying to be pregnant. Trying and having a baby is suppose to be a happy time not a stressful goal to achieve. I say all this with the utmost respect, because I was at the same place you were 4 months ago - and yes I am still trying but not so obsessively. I know this might not be your beliefs, but I will totally be praying for you. I sympathize with you. Good luck and I hope the doctors can help you concieve. I think its a shame that people like us try so hard to have a baby and there are people out there popping them out like hot  cakes and don't even want them as much as we do. baby dust to you and God Bless!

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