
Can a HS Jr. play vball and softball (varsity & club) and take AP classes?

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My daughter is currently a 10th grader at a large (2000+) school with very strong teams (National players of the year in past years + state championships galore). The school is on a traditional block schedule (4 classes per semester) and offers both Honors & AP courses. She currently plays JV Volleyball (this is her 1st year on the team but she is a starter) and expects to play Varsity softball (starting SS) in the spring. Her vball coach wants her to play club to make Varsity next year and her softball coach wants the team to play fall ball. Next year she will have 4 AP classes plus band (she is 1st chair and they compete). I don't think it can be done but maybe someone can give some guidance. I should also mention she is a stronger softball player but she is a libero for vball (she's 5' 4") and both of the Varsity liberos are graduating. Also, her 1st college choice doesn't have a softball team.




  1. As a former H.S. scholar athlete, my opinion is that the perceived necessity to accomplish multitudes of activities while pursuing academic work often leads to exhaustion.

    The pre-college work was more valuable in the long run than athletics.  The cost value of pre-college classes can be equivalent to well over $300 per class. God forbid a physical injury occurs, your child will have academics to lean on. (no pun intended)

    So basically, let her take the AP or other college advanced classes and let softball be secondary priority in her high school career. Though I realize how pushy coaches can be, stick with your own and your daughters own priorities.

  2. Its touh but possible. She just has to stay motivated and prioritized. I played Varsity Volleyball, Club, Basketball and Club Basketball and had 6 AP classes. I had a good GPA, but i just decided to give up on that i maen dating, hanging with my outside friends watching TV etc.

  3. The only problem I see is if both Volleyball and Softball are played at the same time. Also it depends on your state's high school activities association as to whether or not they allow such participation.

    Here in Kansas it is permitted because I know several small schools who have football players who also are on cross country. I know volleyball players who are also cheerleaders.

    It all boils down to academics. As long as your daughter can maintain her GPA there shouldn't be any problem. Also she needs to look at the practice schedules for both programs.

    In Oklahoma for instance, girls play softball in the fall because a lot of smaller schools don't offer volleyball as a fall sport and with Title IX they have to offer girls' sports in the fall. The only other option would be cross country.

    And with band, here again it depends on when her practice schedule is and when competitions are.

    As long as she doesn't burn out she should be fine, but let her make the decision, not the school.

  4. I think you are overloading her because we hate being under all of the pressure and if she gets on varsity next year then she mote have more than one practice a DAY so i would drop the band or some of the AP's and have her choose which soprt she wants to play for off season on the other

  5. well ima varsity already..and yes ido take ap courses but they are divided into my semesters...but yes she can do it as long as she does some things at a time...and in pace....but yes it is stressing

  6. I've found having done this myself, is that it helps me oftentimes budget my time better.  You ought to ask her to see if she feels she is being stressed out by everything.  A lot of it will require her to take chunks out of what would normally have been free time, but if she's willing to make the sacrifice, I think it's a good experience.

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