
Can a Indigo child be a walk-in?

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For those of you who know what I'm talking about...

Is it possible for a normal child or teen to encounter a walk-in who is indigo?

Or is it possible for a indigo to be a walk-in?




  1. In my house,of course they can.You can't blame them.Their parents,that's a different story.

  2. It is possible for a walk-in to be an indigo child.  However it is also possible for a walk-in to be simply a walk-in and not an indigo and an indigo to be just an indigo.  

    Walk-ins usually occur when there is a hugely traumatic situation and the current spirit that is residing within the body decides that they want to leave the body so badly that they are willing to let another spirit 'walk-in' while the body remains whole and healthy.

  3. I don't know what you mean by walk-in. I use it to mean someone who shows up without an appointment

    There is no such thing as an "indigo child" despite the extensive mythology about these "special" children.  

    Read John Wyndham's "The Midwhich Cuckoos" for a classic story about a special new generation.

    EDIT:    Two thumbs up to nailed it !

  4. I know what an Indigo child supposedly is but what is a walk-in aside from a person who comes without an appointment?

  5. There are no such thing as wak-ins' It's all psychological.

    Everyone has a contract on Earth with heaven, and no person is allowed to break that contract by switching souls.

    NO person can switch souls b.c that would  mean some other soul with TOTALLY DIFFERENT KARMA would have your life and family and friends and it wouldn't match. Heaven would NEVER allow that. It would not only break that souls contract but  just like suicide it messes up EVERYONE's contract.  Suicide is against God (but not punished...just the souls rest and get councilled). The soul switching thing is made up by people who can't explain  personality disorders and psychological trauma.

    People who soul switch say they do not like their family and friends anymore, if that was truly a new soul they'd be messing up everyone's life chart!!! God would never allow that. Since it's not a new soul, the soul really had life trauma written in his/her soul and  all the behaviour is a part of life.

    Indigo/crystal/rainbow are all just fancy labels to sell books that really just mean PSYCHIC people awakened to the spiritual side. Those who are 'awake' will be totally in the 'here' and able to cope with life in a spiritual manner. They will not ever have the signs you call walk ins-they will never leave friends or family, they will never change their personalities and become 'ill' in mind, and they won't distort their reality.

  6. Can the tooth fairy be a leprechaun?  I don't know why this whole indigo children concept bugs me so much.  I see so many spoiled children allowed to run wild because their parents think they are so advanced and special, when in actuality they are just spoiled brats who have never been taught how to behave.  If someone is going to change and heal the world or whatever, it is not going to be someone who has never learned any discipline or been taught the value of hard work.  It is going to take much more than someone touching a glowing finger ET style to fix our modern problems.  Instead of these parents teaching their children real ethics and values, they are doing serious damage because they believe the children have some sort of mystical knowledge and powers.  Thus the children are growing up not being taught to find real solutions for real problems.  If a whole generation of this is the future, I worry for the human race.

  7. I'm not sure I can see a reason why an indigo child couldn't be a walk-in ... but the likelihood of it seems slim.

  8. what  are you kids talking about? will some let me buy a e-mail clue cause no comprendo. i thought that i was kind of smart, but no!

  9. The answer is no - because the term "indigo children" is just a load of new age nonsense.

  10. According to this website, yes.  I had a hard time not laughing reading it.

    • An Indigo Walk-in has to deal not only with the disorientation of being on an unfamiliar planet, but also the confusion of the Walk-in process itself. Most Walk-ins are not initially consciously aware that a soul exchange has taken place, and are, therefore, confused as to why they suddenly feel so “different.”

    the link

    the only connection between the two phenomena seems to be how implausible they both are, but maybe that is enough for a very small percentage of the population to link them together in a meaningful way.

    Edit(although I hadn't posted yet):  Earlier in the website it said that walk-ins were soul transfers that had "full agreement of the soul that was born into the body".  But in the part I copied and posted above, it says that the people might not have realized it happened, and be confused.  Isn't this contradictory?  For more laughs, click the link.

  11. Jasius

    I love you!

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