
Can a LLC be sued for tortuous interference if it is owned by the same company operating the 2nd party LLC?

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I had a franchise buisness deal go bad recently where persons working for one LLC disrupted my negotiations with another LLC, both owned by the same equity company. The parties involved work in different areas of operations (one, in operations management, the other, franchise sales) but shared information about pending deals. Would a tortuous interference claim hold up if I could prove that information completely unrelated to the deal was used by the operations managment team to kill the deal with the franchise sales team?




  1. No way, the same company owns both of them.

    You can't sue your them for not doing business with you.

  2. I assume you mean tortious interference, since there doesn't seem to be any torture involved... From what I can remember from business law class, it seems like you might have a case. It's worth talking to an attorney about. Good luck.

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