
Can a Mormon serve on a jury?

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Can a Mormon serve on a jury?




  1. There is nothing in the Mormon beliefs that should prevent one from serving on a jury. In fact they are encouraged to do their civic duty.

  2. Yeah, why not??

  3. ur dumb haha

  4. provided s/he has no biases about the case and is wearing his/her holy underwear-or was that the JW's, I forget.

  5. A person cannot be excluded from a jury based on relgious affiliation. So, yes.

  6. Sure. A Mormon can even be a judge.

  7. Yes

  8. Yes!

  9. Yes.

  10. Yes, sure.

  11. I don't know why not.

  12. Why not? A jury of our peers, or is it piers, or is it peirs...anyway...yeah.

  13. When called to do so, we are actually encouraged to serve on a jury. I don't see a reason why we can't, as long as we're not bias. We are taught, from a young age, to serve our communities and nations.

  14. How would Salt Lake City be able to have any jury trials if they weren't?

  15. where have you been....did you go to school.....a Mormon is simply a citizen who worships at a different church that you do.     try some research and find out who and what they really are????

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