
Can a Muslim woman marry a Christian?

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  1. Quran 2:21 states "...And give not your daughters in marriage to idolaters till they believe." Idolaters, of course, usually refers now to Christians because they say that Christ is the Son of God, considered polytheism (Q5:73). The practical matter that is also considered is that the husband traditionally is the master of the family; thus, he may refuse permission for his wife to take part in religious requirements, such as fasting during Ramadan, or refusing to raise the children Muslim. Remember, in Islam marriage is an institution, a way of life in which all members must benefit, especially the children. It is not a party.

  2. Marriage of a Muslim woman to a Christian male is discouraged in Islam because the of the husband's position in the marriage. The husband must be the de facto head ot the family and must provide support to the family members and demand total obedience from them. Islam is not very tolerant of any Christian ruling over a Muslim. Of course, the religion of the kids enters into it as well. Islam requires the kids to be raised Muslim. Traditionally, however, the religion of the kids would be that of the father; so, you have two controversies. If you are to live in a country guided by sharia (Muslim countries) it would be best to check and double-check. The USA should be okay. Best wishes.

  3. why is that? does it say ing the quran that only men can? as im sure in the quran it says we can marry whoever believes in allah and not get married to people who worship idols and animals.

  4. why is that? does it say ing the quran that only men can? as im sure in the quran it says we can marry whoever believes in allah and not get married to people who worship idols and animals.

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