
Can a New Zealand Citizen just go and work in Australia?

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I'm a born and bred kiwi, with NZ passport.

I hear I can just Fly over to Aussie and get any job I like, how correct is this?

Do I need a special kind of visa or can I just jump on a plane and start legally working the next day? Then is there a time limit?

Any other info or links you have time to type will be much appreciated :)




  1. You should be fine to apply for a job here and start straight away.

    You will need to apply for a tax file number first as no employer will hire you with out one.

    You need a tax file number to gain employment not a medicare card!


    Yes, a medicare card is great if you wish to receive free or subsidized medical treatment but will not help you in gaining employment.

    Most employers will provide you with a tax file declaration form to fill out within your first week, before your first pay day.

    Visit to apply for one before you arrive here so you can work straight away.

    Australia has many diverse employment opportunities for you to choose from other than manual labour as not all us Aussies will assume that you lack the education to find the job you wish to do.

    Best of luck...

  2. There's no time limit, my partner moved over about 5 years ago and started working straight away. Honestly, kiwis have a reputation of a great work ethic, so if you sign up for a job agency you'll pretty much get one straight away, providing you don't mind doing labour or something like that.

    If you are going to move over, you're best off getting a medicare card straight away - you'll have to pay a levy in your tax anyway so you might as well get the card. Just go to a medicare office and fill out an application form.

    Just so you know, i wasn't saying you need a medicare card for employment. I was saying it would be a good idea to get one if you are going to move over. If you need a tax file number, call the ATO (australian tax office) and they will sort it out for you. Good luck!

  3. yes you can we let anyone work here ha ha  

  4. New Zealanders in Australia

    Key points:

    · Most New Zealanders with a valid New Zealand passport can travel to Australia without applying for a visa before they leave. New Zealanders who have criminal convictions or a serious medical problem should check with the Australian Consulate-General before they travel.

    · New Zealanders can live and work in Australia, but cannot obtain Australian social security (This is like WINZ, but it's Centerlink in Australia) unless they have Australian permanent residence. New Zealanders who moved to Australia after February 2001 have to formally apply to obtain permanent residence and pass the points test.

    · New Zealanders are eligible for free emergency hospital treatment in Australia, but those without a Medicare card have to pay the full cost of any non-hospital treatment such as the cost of pharmaceuticals or doctors visits. Visitors should obtain travel insurance to cover these costs before arriving.

    .Generally New Zealanders who live in Australia can obtain a Medicare card to cover or subsidise non-hospital costs. New Zealanders moving permanently to Australia should get travel insurance to cover these costs until they can get a Medicare card.

    · New Zealanders can become Australian citizens without giving up their New Zealand citizenship. They have to obtain Australian permanent residence first, and must live in Australia as a permanent resident for at least two years before they can apply for citizenship.

    · New Zealanders can generally use their New Zealand drivers licence in Australia for the first three months after they arrive, provided it has not expired or been suspended. After three months New Zealanders normally have to apply for a drivers licence from the authorities in the State or Territory where they live.

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