
Can a Ontario driver loose points for violation in NY and Pennsylvania state?

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I have ontario driving license and I got two traffic tickets in less than a in Pensylvania over speeding 19 mph and the 2nd in new york for using cell phone without hands free device.will I loose points for these violations on ontarios license?




  1. Please dont mention Canada, if George Bush finds out your that close, he will have to attack, simply to assure the fact  to keep Alaskins free.

  2. No, American agencies are not reporting to Canada. You will not lose any points.

    However, if you do not pay the fine, the next time you get pulled over in those states, you will be arrested and your vehicle will be impounded. Cops can pull up your history through the computer in their car.

  3. Possibly if they Ont finds out. The us and canada do share records. If your insurance goes up you will know.

    I would call an insurance co, not yours and ask them this scenario.

    If i had a bad record moving from the US to Canada i would not be able to get a new license there for a while let alone insurance I could afford. I know I moved north. I had a clean record but I had to bring in my US driving record.

  4. It depends on Ontario's policy for points received in other jurisdictions.

  5. Of course they can loose points,just because they are North,of the border does not give them the right to come into one of these states and violate are driving laws and run back north thinking they can be it.They still have to come back here and face those violations,if not there violations are sent to the territory they hail from so there is no getting away from it even in Canada.

  6. Just pay the fine on time. If you don't there will be a warrant issued for your arrest. Then, you have bigger problems.

    In the future, you have to know the laws for the state you're driving in, and each one is different. NY is one of the states that has a cell phone law, and they do enforce it.

  7. No, the CDN and US DOT systems are not connected for these types of records. An officer giving a ticket doesn't even have access to the number of points you have or not, it keeps the process objective. I'm from Quebec and can assure you that if I get a ticket in Ontario, the points won't show up on my record. I work in this field.

    PS, the 407 cameras don't pick up plates other than Ontario plates either... I saved myself a few hours of traffic passing by there! This may have changed, for I haven't passed there in a bit more than a year, but the ticket navr came in the mail!!

  8. only if there is a reciprocation treaty between Ontario and the states mentioned ... otherwise the tickets won't show up on your driving record (jn Ontario)

  9. Nope, last time I checked the two jurisdictions were not connected in any way and our computer system wouldn't know what theirs was doing.  There is no reciprocal agreement so you are off the hook, points wise.

  10. Yes you both States have "Resciprosity" with Canada...

  11. No, but you will be forced to have an illegal Mexican family, (of eleven), move in with you for three years.

  12. Yes, you can get in a lot of trouble.  Slow down.

    Are you kidding me, Yahoo is still broken?

    What are they going to do, suspend YAnswers the entire time Obama is on his world tour?

  13. dunno about points,but if you dont pay them,your d/l will be suspended in ny and pa,and ontario will be notified.

    at 19 mph over the limit,you are required to appear in court.SLOW DOWN,and to the first person who answered,those"jerky cops" are saving lives stopping lead footed jerks like dont live here,obey our laws just as you would expect us to yours.

    I have NO speeding tickets,you admit to being pulled over for it,and claim to know the importance of the police doing their job,the fact is you got pulled over because you broke the law,whether or not you get cited is up to the officers discretion.not their "mood" as you put happy their are people willing to put up with c**p from motorists on a daily basis to try and make the roads safer for all of us.see how "jerky" the police are when you need them.

  14. You will not lose points for your Ontario license. The US polices databases are not connected to the Canadian database; they have other things to do so don’t worry. If you did not pay your traffic tickets, the only problem you may have is if you get arrested again in those States where you got unpaid tickets. Going 19mph over the limit is about like going 30kmh over the limit. To be safe, don’t go much over 10mph in the US.

  15. Just call the motor vehicles, where u live & ask them..that's more acurate then the answers u can get on here! Just so u can be sure

  16. No. And it's spelled "lose." Stop embarrassing the rest of Canada.

  17. Canada is a separate country.  Thus, violations in the US will not accrue as points in Canada.

  18. No.  US States do not report to Canada.  h**l, they don't even report to all other US States unless the other state is signator to the compact.  

    Do me a favor.  Stay in Canada.  If you come here, legally I hope, have an American driver.  Take a bus.  You guys drive to slow.  We drive in miles per hour, not kilometers per hour.

  19. can a Ontario driver loose points for violation in NY and Pennsylvania state?

    How do you "UNTIGHTENED" points?

  20. New York state has an arrangement with Ontario and Quebec as related to points for moving violations.  Ontario has arrangements with New York and Michigan in the same regard.

    Within the United States, THE DRIVERS LICENSE COMPACT requires member states to report tickets received by motorist to the state where they received a license to drive so as to receive points and get an insurance hike.  Also when a state suspends the license of a driver who is from out-of-state, the state where the motorist received a license to drive will also suspend their license.

    I have been unable to find anything regarding reciprocity of points between Ontario and Pennsylvania.

  21. Yes!

  22. Only If the USA and Canada have an agreement on the matter.

  23. Yes.

    Got a ticket in British Coumbia, Canada in the 1970's.

    The insurance company here in the USA recognized it?

  24. Stop embarrassing Canada

  25. No... your points won't transfer out of state... but you have to pay the fines

  26. You will keep getting tickets if you don't obey the traffic laws.

  27. Congratulations for all your success. Two U.S. states and a Canadian license just shows that what another area can get away with.  Please be care and obey the law because the next time you might be as lucky.

  28. No they wont to the girl who said jerky cop? Lets clear that he broke the rules and he has to pay

  29. no canada and US are 2 different countries. just pay your tickets and dont get it into a warrant status or you are screwed.

  30. Most likely in N.Y. since they have a good connection internationaly since 9/11 just check your DMV and ask for read out it may not show!

  31. yes, because everything is done on one computer system now. The U.S and Canada have a treaty that gives full faith and credit in both jurisdication.

    Is nto a huge deal, don't worry but be cognizant of that..

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