
Can a PS3 do damage to a HD Plasma TV set?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking to buy a PS3 and I'm wondering can it cause burn in or whatever damage to my plasma TV?




  1. Yes you can if your playing PS3 you would be better off with a LCD screen.  With Plasma you want to worry about Burn in.  

    Best of luck!


  2. Only if you leave it on all the time with a static image. You should turn the TV off whenever your not playing games.

    Actually, you should do this anyway to save power. Flat panel sets are often touted to be power saving, but they are not much less power-hungry than CRTs, especially in large sizes. Plasmas are particularly power-hungry.

    Save the Earth, turn it off!

  3. i don't think so, it it did they probably wouldn't sell them. and in a very unlikely case it does, don't be so attached to your tv its just a tv.

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