I know no one can probably help me but here it goes..Caught some stupid throat virus the doctors told me blah blah blah...contagious, not strep not mono, blah no medication because it Wont help got to go away on its own. well i feel like that it went away..i go back today for him to look at it. However when i caught this virus or sickness my symptoms got new and some what worse. tonsils swelled up, one night had my breathe taken away thought i was having a heart attack just rapid heart beat, and shortness of breathe for a second. ER said it was a little heart murmur and nothing to worry about from what they could tell but to follow up to a cardiologist. next was the sleeping problems and lightheaded, fatigued, and heartburn/acid reflex? I never used to have these problems ever! until this d**n sickness. i also lost a bit of weight to, but i gained some back. Can a palpitation cause lightheaded, Heartburn feeling/burp/acid reflex, minor back pain, fatigued (just want to sleep) also when i wake up i feel the lightheaded is worse. Could it be sinuses? or my contacts? the palpitation was just august 4th but i feel fine now? Just the lightheaded/dizzy, acid reflex heart burn, and always wanting to sleep stuff. NOTE: I am only 17 and very healthy never had any family health issues. Also was staying up a lot with friends and not eating right and sleeping in forever then i got sick with the throat thing. also In my own opinion i don't feel like i got a good nights sleep in awhile, but i have been sleeping, but just in MY opinion. have any ides what it could be? i go to the doctors at 3 and he is gonna refer my to the cardiologist place, recommended JUST to be safe by the ER. Note: i workout/run a lot and i feel normal never fainted.
Also in the bathroom my stool went from lumpy big stool, to runny, brown, have anything to do with something?