
Can a Pitcher Bat in the AL?

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If a pitcher in the AL wanted to hit, instead of having a DH, could he? A good example would be Zambrano who has a 300+ batting average. If he were to be signed by an AL team instead, could he bat or no?




  1. Yes. Use of the DH is optional, though if a team decides to bat the pitcher, the DH is forfeited for the entire game (by that team). If a reliever comes in later, he has to bat also.

    The DH is forfeited whenever (a) the pitcher bats or (b) the DH enters the game at a defensive position.

    I cannot think of an instance in which the team started its pitcher in the lineup when the DH was available (basically, the entire AL schedule since 1973, allowing for interleague games since 1997). Rick Rhoden, a pitcher, did play as the DH for the Yankees in one game (he did not pitch that day).

  2. Yes you could let the pitcher hit but then there is no DH for the hole game. If you really wanted to you could let the DH hit for some one else. For Ex: If the Cubs were playing in a AL teams park and Zambrano was pitching and (I no this would never happen but)... Lee where in the BIGGEST slump of his life then you could let ZAmbrano hit and the DH would hit for Lee. All Lee would do is play 1st base and he wouldnt hit.

  3. Yea he could. But why would you want him to. Who would you rather have up david ortiz or our pitcher??

  4. Yes!! As a pinch hitter.

  5. Maybe but ONLY if they are a DH

    I dont think pitchers are allowed to

  6. he could but i dont think he would hit very often

    i remember a few years ago when the rockies were playing the red sox in fenway, mike hampton hit in the 9th spot instead of a DH because he was batting ridiculously well that season

    but yes an AL team can waive the DH in favor of the pitcher batting at any time they want to

  7. AL pitchers have to bat if they are playing against an NL team and they are the visitors.

  8. Of course!  In cases where pinch hitters are needed and also when position players are totally used up, pitchers can definitely be added into the lineup as batters.

    It's definitely possible especially when those extra inning games call for emergency help.....

    Only way a pitcher can be used in AL games for batting on a daily basis is if they totally switch their positions and discontinue pitching altogether.

  9. Yes.

  10. Yes, but if a pitcher bats for the DH spot anytime durning the game a DH can not be used for the rest of the game.

  11. Yes, the DH is an optional rule and there have been a few rare occasions when a team either did not have a DH, or made a substitution that eliminated the DH position for that game.

    There are 3 reasons why it (almost) never happens

    1: pitchers aren't good hitters

    2: Even if a pitcher is a good hitter, its still a risk of injury and probably a distraction from his focus on pitching. Plus you'd rather have him resting between innings than wearing out his legs by running the bases

    3: Once the DH is out of the lineup, you cannot add a DH again. So if you started the game with your pitcher in the batting order, you cannot add a DH when you make a pitching change.

  12. yes,only in the World Series.

  13. The team could use the DH for another position, but Zambrano has a .300 AVG cause he has far fewer AB than position players.

  14. They could if they wanted to, but no manager would sacrifice a guy that gets paid to hit over a pitcher that's a good hitter, not to mention that if the pitcher bats the DH is sacrificed for the game and any reliever that comes in after would also have to bat for himself.  CC Sabathia is a great example of this.  He's an awesome hitter but they never gave him an opportunity on the Indians outside of interleague play.  This is why he wanted to go to an NL team and will probably spend the rest of his career pitching in the NL.  He loves to hit and the NL gives him that opportunity.

    Also to Buzz, Michael Jordan did play in the majors for the Chicago White Sox.  It wasn't very many appearances, but he did play in some games at the major league level.

  15. Yeah. No one does that though. Most pitchers aren't that good at batting.

    They have to bat when AL plays a team from the NL though. =]

  16. Yes you do not have to have a Designated Hitter and you can also use a Designated Hitter for a position player(fielder)

  17. In pro ball, you can only DH for the pitcher. It's different at amatuer levels. Check the tules, folks.

    NCAA Rule Book

    Designated Hitter

    SECTION 2. a. The designated hitter (DH) is a player designated to bat for

    the starting pitcher and all subsequent pitchers. The DH may bat in any

    position in the lineup, and this position cannot be changed. The DH

    must be so designated before the game and included in the lineup cards

    presented to the umpire-in-chief. In this case, the team actually is using

    10 players, with the pitcher not listed in the batting order.

    b. It is not mandatory that a player be designated to bat for the pitcher. If

    the pitcher is listed in the starting batting order, the pitcher automati72

    cally becomes the DH. In this case, the pitcher is to be considered as two

    players, both pitcher and DH, and can be substituted for as such.

    Note: For substitution purposes, the pitcher is not to be considered a defensive position.

    c. The designated hitter is subject to the following conditions:

    Pitcher or DH is moved to a defensive position (10-player lineup)

    (1) If the DH is not the pitcher and the DH or the pitcher is moved to a

    defensive position (this change must be made when the team is on


    (a) The DH is terminated for the remainder of the game.

    (b) The pitcher being placed at a defensive position must bat in place of

    the defensive player removed, unless more than one substitution is

    made. The coach must designate their positions in the batting order

    at that time (see 5-5-e and 5-5-e A.R.).

    (c) If only one substitution is made, the new pitcher must bat in the previous

    spot of the DH.

    Matt: Copy and paste the rule that says the DH can bat for any player in the lineup. You can't, because you won't find it. Don't cite a source when your citation is incorrect.

    For you people asserting tha MJ played at the major League level, let's see a citation for his stats. Oh, that's right. You can't find that, either.

  18. I believe the answer is actually, yes.  No one does it though.

  19. yes they can, but no ones does it because that will make the pitcher more tired.

  20. Yes.. but it would be incredibly stupid.

    Not only are very few pitchers good hitters, but you put added stress and chances of injury on them when they hit.

  21. Yeah he could, but you should use the DH.

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