
Can a Positive Pregnancy Test after day 5 of embryo transfer be false?

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Hi, I had my embryo transfer done on the 28th of July, I did my P4 test on the 31st and the number were great. My blood test to see if I am pregnant is on the 7th of August but I couldn't wait and I just did a hpt and I had two pink lines one was lighter than the other. Should I believe the test or wait until the big day. Thanks!!!!




  1. I did in-vitro 3 times for my last surrogacy and never got a line until the 3rd one which was the one that took and let me tell you I took a few tests a day each time. The meds you are on should not cause a home test to show positive unless you are pregnant. Make sure to go in to get the beta's done to make sure the levels are rising good. Good luck!!!!

  2. Hi.  I really hope this is good news for you and positive thinking does go a long way so stay strong and fingers crossed.

    My sister in law has been through IVF and has had positive home preg tests as early as this but has not been pregnant at the time of blood tests just due to the hormones your body has had pumped into it to try and hold the transfer.

    It is such a cruel trick to be played I know but home pregnancy tests to my knowledge through my sis in laws struggle are way too unreliable in the IVF process.

    Now, listen to me!  This does not mean you are not pregnant and please do not loose heart.  This could be the one for you!!!!  Like I say to my sis in law when she does the home tests and they are positive, at least a positive is a step closer to your dream than a negative.  It is another step towards your dream which could be realised with your blood test. Take it as a sign of hope and may you realise this dream this time.

    My heart and thoughts are with you.

  3. if there is two pink lines then it was pos!!!  

  4. Sounds like it it might be correct, you didn't have a HCG shot with the transfer did you? as long as you didn't have that shot then yes I believe that your positive test was indeed correct and congrats are in order.

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