
Can a SCORPIO FEMALE really be happy???

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or better yet...can any Scorpio in general really and truly be happy in a love realtionship? i mean we're suspicious even when there's no reason and we're constantly hovering over our loved ones because we need to be loved so much!!!!will we ever be happy enough to just LET GO!!!and ease up a bit when it comes to being possesive,controling,jealous,etc???becau... u cant honestly tell me that someone who has these qualities are happy...what do you guys think???




  1. I think they see the world different than most people, and are only protective because they truly love the ones close to them. Of course Scorpios can be happy. It just gets extreme sometimes. Either they're totally depressed or totally happy. I guess it depends. But have you ever seen a Scorpio truly happy? THAT is a sight to behold.

    In a relationship? Why not. If they feel loved, secure and they feel like their partner is loyal, they can be happy. They just need to be truly happy in order to feel the joy most people experience everyday for no reason.

  2. the easiest way to know is to FORGET astrology. i'm not saying it's satanic or demonic, it's just false. It makes people think they have to have these traits just because they were born during a certain time of year. Think of this, what if we didn't have months, or any timescale for that matter. How would we possibly know which times of the year people would be born between? Just forget the Astrological classification and be who you are.

  3. Honey, I'm a Scorpio female as well and it sounds to me like you just want to blame all your negative character traits on your sun sign. I don't think it works like that. Yes, by definitions Scorpios have controlling possessive, jealous and overbearing TENDENCIES, but it is all they are. Just because your sun sign warns you that you might become like this doesn't mean that you should be like this. Take it as a warning and watch for the signs whenever you become like that, and learn how to stop it and let go.

    The best thing you can do is distipline yourself and learn how to trust your loved ones to let go sometimes and go with the flow. Realizing and acknowledging your weaknesses you can learn how to control them and not let them get in the way of happiness.

    As a Scorpio woman looking for happiness myself, I know what you are talking about. We have a pretty good intuition when it comes to love and can sense right away when something is wrong and it is important to learn to distinguish that feeling from paranoia that every man you meet would cheat on you. I had relationships where I learned to let go and trlly trust the other person and they never betrayed my trust, I also had relationships where I could never let go and trust, and it turned out that I was right in my feelings as well.

    The point is to learn to trust and not push away someone who is really trust worthy and the only way you can do that is to catch your jealous and overbearing thoughts and stop them at the source.

    I believe that when the right person comes along I will know it and I won't need to be paranoid where they are and who they are with if they prove to me that they can be trusted.

    Take negative traits of a Scorpio as a warning and not as a guidelines and you will be just fine!

  4. yes


  6. Astrology is phooey!

  7. yes but only with a Libra with Scorpio rising

  8. umm ya that doesn't answer their question by saying all zodiac is a bunch of **** so to answer your question yes i do think  scorpios can be truly happy in a relationship i think it depends on the other person you love some people don't mind being possesed like an object but others it really bugs them to have someone be so possesive over them and to loosen up i don't think you can really change how possesive you are it's just in your nature i guess hope i helped :)

  9. I'm a true Scorpio and also a Tiger sign in the Chinese Zodiac, which is basically just like the Scorpio - so double wammy for me in the way of jealousy, insecurity, etc.

    I didn't think it was possible for me to be genuinely happy in a relationship until I realized that there are guys out there who are just like me and actually prefer a clingy, possessive girl, lol.

    Stay AWAY from Geminis and Aquarians. I've dated both - Geminis are nothing short of a cheater and Aquarians are pretty much heartless tin-men.

    I have found that the best signs for us are either a fellow Scorpio or a Libra, and possibly a Virgo.

    Last year I found a Libra who adored the fact that I was clingy and smothering because it makes him feel "loved," he is also quite the possessive and insecure one, so we both basically reassure each other and it only fuels our affection for each other!

    I can honestly say that I'm not 100% trusting of ANYONE, but that is the Scorpio way... and it's better to be paranoid and with someone who always reassures you than to be paranoid and be with someone who's very unpredictable.

  10. You can't really be happy if you believe that Zodiac stuff has any real bearing on your life.

  11. Astrology is fun - but its nothing to base your life on. I'm a scorpio woman and Im quite happy in all aspects of my life. Im in a relationship, Im  not jealous or overbearing. Forget all the sterotypical scorpio traits and just live. Lifes too short for all that c**p

  12. There are three types of scorpio.

    One I know is a lizard - cant remember the one in the middle and the other is an eagle.

    I'm an eagle and I as happy as Larry. I am often suspcicious but sound out my suspicions before speaking of them.

    I never hover over a loved one!  I am hovered over.

    And yes I'm controlling but I dont think loved ones realise that!

    Its about being clever about it I suppose!

    And I am really happy.  Yes, I can get jealous but its a destructive little element and a bit of mind over matter soon sorts that out.  There are more people jealous of me than me over someone else!!

    I am the eternal optimist - I soar above and look down on things to get the bigger picture.  

    And I always believe the sun is going to shine and that things will be alright in the end - because I will them to be.  They normally are.

    I am a force of nature to be reckoned with.  And very happy with that!

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