
Can a Taser be shipped, owned, & carried in France?

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0 LIKES UnLike has been asked to ship a "Taser" to France. Can we? Are they legal for the private citizen to own and carry?

Please advise.

We are a domestic shipper with no experience with this.

We have researched without success.

Thank you in advance.




  1. I truly have no idea, but I'd like to caution you that Yahoo users might not be very informed on this topic. For instance, someone could give you inaccurate information and next thing you know, you and your company could become liable!

    I'm not quite sure who you could go to for a correct answer. Perhaps contact the embassy? An attorney? International attorneys ought to know about these sorts of things. Just, whatever you do, make sure that you find someone competent! You won't want to end up in a bad situation with the law.

  2. French customs might well confiscate it as it would be classified as an offensive weapon and the owner might well face arrest as he goes to claim it

  3. Tasers X26 are a category 4 weapon in France, which make them the same as guns like Magnum 357 (Law passed on 22/8/06 - arrêté ministériel).

    Weapons are very tightly regulated in France and the authorities don't like private citizen to buy them freely. As even for category 1 weapon a private citizen need a permit to acquire and own one, you should ask for a copy of that permit if you decide to sell a taser to someone in France. As far as I know there's no such thing as a taser permit, I haven't heard of anyone but the police to own them, and that only as a test.

    You should also make sure that the customs won't stop it as it is illegal to ship weapons without a permit from the French government.

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